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Vimeo hires Google Cloud AI lead Philip Moyer as CEO

Vimeo hires Google Cloud AI lead Philip Moyer as CEO


Video platform provider Vimeo has named Philip Moyer, a senior Google Cloud executive who will oversee AI applications engineering and business development, as CEO and director.

Mr. Moyer's appointment is effective April 8, 2024. Adam Gross, who became Vimeo's interim CEO following the departure of Anjali Sood (who left to join Fox's Tubi), will remain on the company's board.

“We are excited to welcome Philip as CEO, and his background and experience will extend Vimeo's history of innovation and leadership into the rapidly growing new era of AI video, helping businesses and creators alike. We believe we are well-suited to position Vimeo as a key strategic partner for Internet video and to make this next chapter possible,'' Vimeo Chairman Glenn Shiffman said in announcing the hire. .

Mr. Moyer joined the division in July 2019 as vice president of strategic industries and most recently served as global VP of applied AI engineering and business development at Alphabet's Google Cloud. Prior to joining Alphabet, he was director of financial services at Amazon Web Services (AWS), where he managed banking, capital markets, insurance, and payments. Mr. Moyer previously managed venture capital portfolios in finance, healthcare and marketing technology at Safeguard Scientific, a public venture development firm.

Additionally, Mr. Moyer served as CEO of two financial technology companies. One is Edgar Online, a provider of financial data, analytics and disclosure management solutions, and the other is Cassiopae, a French software company in the commercial banking market. Prior to that, he started his career as a nuclear submarine software engineer at GE Aerospace, and then spent 15 years at Microsoft, where he managed global customer teams, industry teams, and service organizations. Moyer earned his computer science degree from the University of Pittsburgh.

Moyer said in a statement provided by Vimeo: We will continue to innovate and improve our services to push the boundaries of digital storytelling, ensuring that Vimeo remains synonymous with excellence and creativity for our community members and customers. ”




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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