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Google update reveals AI may be able to read private Gmail messages

Google update reveals AI may be able to read private Gmail messages


As mobile becomes an AI privacy battleground and Google, Samsung, and Apple vie for your attention, the risks are suddenly becoming clearer.

Are you ready to share private messages with your Gemini?

NurPhoto (from Getty Images)

Gemini was first announced as a Copilot-like addition to Workspace Labs, then as a paid Google One addition to Workspace itself, but now it's moved to Gmail on Android and has millions of users. It seems to have become mainstream for users. They also target mobile users, so they work differently and have very different risks.

AssembleDebug covered Gmail's development beta and reported that we discovered that Google is preparing Gemini AI-powered reply suggestions for Gmail on Android… Google is enhancing Gemini and bringing its magic to life It's good to see they're adding in more features. Assuming this feature is live and working on the backend, we expect to start rolling it out to users in the coming weeks, assuming there are no issues along the way.

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Desktop beta testers and premium subscribers will be attracted to Gemini's offer to summarize email threads and suggest responses to email threads. [and] Find information from previous emails [and] Google Drive files. The main purpose of the desktop is to filter information and assist in composing emails.

Android apps use Gemini differently. Each email has three suggested replies of varying levels of sophistication that you can select, tap, and send on demand. And the appeal of generative AI continues to grow.

Android screenshots shared via PiunikaWeb show improvements to the very simple autoresponders we've become accustomed to in recent years. These suggested replies mean Gemini read your email, even if you didn't.

The desktop versions of Google Workspace and Microsoft Office AI services have substantial privacy and security considerations. Prompts and user data sent to the cloud, potential storage and human review, use as training data, and data breach risk.

Workspace Labs users are warned that Google uses Workspace Labs data and metrics to provide, improve, and develop products, services, and machine learning technology across Google. Workspace Labs data may also be read, rated, annotated, and reviewed by humans. critics. Therefore, users are instructed not to include personal, sensitive, or confidential information in their prompts.

Google emphasized to me that the Workspace Labs program is an opt-in for people who want to help experiment with and develop new tools. They say that users who participate are a small percentage of the total, and that Google is given clear notice and asked for permission before using their data to improve its services and models. I did.

Gemini replies in the Android Gmail app

piunica web

But mobile will be the real privacy and security battleground for AI.

For Android users, analyzing private email messages to create replies and context is similar to the possibility of Gemini on Google Messages to do the same. This flavor of generative AI gets to the heart of the emerging hybrid AI debate. Which analytics should be restricted to your local device, and what should be sent to the cloud for more powerful analysis or storage and review.

Privacy details specific to this potential Android release are not yet available, so you can look at what other Gemini applications do for guidance.

For users who subscribe to Workspace, Google may use Workspace to train or improve the underlying generative AI and large-scale language models that power Gemini, Search, and other systems external to Workspace without permission. They say they won't use the data.

But in the case of Gemini in Google Messages, users are told that Google collects conversations in the Gemini app, related product usage information, location information, and feedback… to improve quality and improve our products. Read, annotated, and processed by human reviewers. Gemini app conversations.

Warning (in bold) for these users: Don't enter sensitive information into conversations or provide data that you don't want reviewers to see or that you don't want Google to use to improve its products, services, or machine learning technology. Please do not enter.

These are clearly different applications than GeminiGmail, Google Messages, Geminis' own apps, and the broader Workspace service, but they are useful for users looking to understand the privacy implications of using generative AI. It needs to be simplified. Navigate different privacy policies. My advice is to differentiate between on-device and off-device and have an additional set of protections if Google has human review and model training elements in place.

On the other hand, the basic advice when sending prompts to cloud-based AI is to follow Google's guidance and avoid any sensitive information. Due to the sensitive nature of the information regarding the AI ​​in Gmail and similar apps, we are still waiting to learn more about any data leaked from users' smartphones.

Google has always been keen to emphasize user consent when it comes to AI, including the addition of Gemini to its apps, and has told me this before as it continues to expand. [Gemini] Across Google's products and services, we always uphold this important principle. [Gemini] Always ask users for their explicit consent and notice of data use before accessing their personal data for the first time.

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We are awaiting details on the scope of Geminis Gmail's rollout on Android and associated privacy and security considerations for its millions of users. And now, there's even more spice with the news that Gemini might be coming to his iPhone as well. It's unlikely, but almost certain, that Google will analyze messages within Apple's Mail app or her Gmail on its iMessage platform iOS.

This Gmail update is pre-release, so there is uncertainty regarding timing, functionality, and availability. That said, the beta version of the message I reported was released shortly thereafter.

Google declined to comment further at this stage as this is a pre-release, but emphasized its commitment to privacy. That is welcome, but with such apps and services, it is the user's responsibility to understand the risks and use what is available to them with that in mind. When it comes to generative AI, it is important to read the relevant privacy policy, if available.




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