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Tickets, dates, prices and pre-sales

Tickets, dates, prices and pre-sales


Billie Eilish has officially entered a new era. After all the hype for her Barbie doll, the 22-year-old star just announced that her own third studio album, Hit Me Hard and Soft, will be released on May 17. And yes, that means she's going on her tour. Hit Me Hard and Soft: The Tour is scheduled to hit the road in September 2024 and arrive in the UK in summer 2025.

In appropriate Gen-Z fashion, Billie's tour will include a variety of earth-friendly initiatives. Plant-based food will be available at each venue, eco-village and free water refill stations, and proceeds from a select number of tickets will be donated to organizations fighting food insecurity and the climate crisis.

Fans are also encouraged to use sustainable transportation and prepare for concerts with used, upcycled or borrowed clothing. Of course, you have to get tickets first. Here's how:

When will Billie Eilish's 2025 UK tour take place?

Billie will perform in the UK on 12 dates across July next year, including six shows in London. Specific dates are as follows:

7 July 2025: Glasgow, OVO Hydro 8 July 2025: Glasgow, OVO Hydro 10 July 2025: London, The O2 11 July 2025: London, The O2 13 July 2025 : London, The O2 14 July 2025: London, The O2 16 July 2025: London, The O2 17 July 2025: London, The O2 19 July 2025: Manchester, Co-op Live 20 July 2025: Manchester, Co-op Live 22 July 2025: Manchester, Co-op Live 23 July 2025: Manchester, Co-op Live When will tickets go on sale?

General sales begin at noon on Friday, May 3rd. You can find it on the singer's website here.

Are there any reservations?

I guess so. Tomorrow (Tuesday, April 30th) at 12pm, both the American Express presale and presale for those who have pre-ordered the album will go live. You must pre-order the album by 8am tomorrow (April 30th) to receive the pre-sale code.

Fans using the O2 mobile app will also receive early access at the same time through O2 Priority.

How much do tickets cost?

There is no news yet on ticket prices. However, we will continue to update this page. As a benchmark, ticket prices for her last stadium tour ranged from £47 to £99, with most standing tickets costing £76.

Where else is Billie Eilish traveling as part of her 2025 European and UK tour?

After playing in North America and Australia, Billie will travel to Europe to play in Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Hannover, Amsterdam, Berlin, Cologne, Prague, Krakow, Vienna, Bologna, Paris and Barcelona. She will then play in England and conclude her tour in Dublin.

Have you seen that the UK is officially one of the world's best road trip destinations?

Plus: These are now the top 10 hotels in the UK, according to TripAdvisor.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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