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The launch of a foldable iPad hinges on a specific type of innovation

The launch of a foldable iPad hinges on a specific type of innovation


In addition to the Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6, Samsung is also launching cheaper foldable smartphones this year, the Galaxy Z Fold and Flip. But Apple doesn't even have a first-generation foldable iPhone yet. This sounds like one of his anti-Apple ads for Samsung, but the truth is, Apple has a special way of doing things. We won't rush to market with compromised products until we decide we're ready to realize our vision.

It remains to be seen whether a foldable iPhone will arrive soon. After all, some reports claim that Apple has paused development of a foldable iPhone because there are still some key technologies that don't meet Apple's standards.

Separately, there are many reports that Apple may launch a foldable iPad or MacBook before the foldable iPhone. Apple also needs to come up with tangible innovations to commercialize the prototype. A new rumor claims that Apple is indeed working on a foldable iPad, but it won't release it unless it solves a major problem that continues to affect the entire foldable market: display creases.

All foldable smartphones out there have a display crease in the middle where the hinge mechanism is behind the screen. It can be seen and felt, but this is a compromise we have accepted for many years. This is currently the only way to get foldable smartphones on store shelves.

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The crease appears above the hinge mechanism that folds and unfolds the display. Most foldable smartphones feature an ultra-thin glass cover over an OLED panel. The glass and his OLED screen must bend without damage when opening and closing the device.

Ideally, you should get a completely flat display when unfolding a foldable device. I have no idea where the hinge is. That's what we all want for foldable devices, but such hinge and display advancements could take years.

Apple is also grappling with the same problem, as Mark Garman noted in a Bloomberg report.

There is a visible crease in the center of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 display. Image source: Christian de Looper, BGR

Development of a foldable iPad is reportedly in the early stages. “The company has yet to find a way to create a foldable screen without the creases seen in similar devices such as Samsung Electronics,” Garman said. He also heard that Apple may abandon the foldable iPad concept if the issues cannot be resolved. But Garman said there is time to fix it, suggesting Apple has no deadline.

With so many smartphone vendors developing foldable smartphones, it's likely that the fold fixes will be done by other vendors. Samsung is one such candidate. Last year's report said fixing this crease is a top priority for Samsung Display. But they couldn't figure it out. This detail was revealed in his report on Apple's own efforts on foldable iPad/MacBook devices.

However, Apple does not use off-the-shelf parts in its products. The company will develop hinge mechanisms and displays based on its own needs, and suppliers will manufacture those components. If Apple can develop technology that eliminates hinges from gadgets with foldable screens, other companies might replicate it.

Of course, these are all speculations based on rumors. But Apple has been working on foldable device technology for years. Additionally, it has influenced the design of smartphones, tablets, and laptops over the years, even though it hasn't always led the market in new product launches.

Meanwhile, Apple is set to release an OLED iPad Pro model, the first tablet to shake up such display technology. Note that before you can make a foldable iPad or MacBook, you need to switch from LCD to OLED. It's not just the display quality. LCDs cannot be folded, but OLED panels can.




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