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Google unleashes a new era of productivity with AI agents: Partners

Google unleashes a new era of productivity with AI agents: Partners


Google Cloud partners detail the benefits of Google's new GenAI agent technology and Vertex AI Agent Builder for channels.

This week at Google Cloud Next, Google Cloud announced a number of new AI products to accelerate the artificial intelligence revolution, from new AI agents to new Tensor Processing Unit hardware.

Google partners in particular were bullish about Google's new Vertex AI Agent Builder and agent technology that will take customers' productivity levels to new heights.

Google's agents provide real value in remediation workflows. That's why we think we can help customers go from being a partially helpful agent, like in the traditional chatbot scenario, to actually being able to complete complex tasks, says Insight company Google Cloud. said Tony Safoin, CEO of Premier His Partner SADA.

Partners of the $37 billion Mountain View, Calif.-based cloud computing and AI giant will launch Vertex AI Agent Buildera, a new no-code offering for deploying generative AI assistants based on Google's Gemini family of models. You can create custom tasks and features for your agents.

For example, let's say someone is asking about complex medical insurance coverage. [plan], Previously, agents could provide part of the answer. Not only do these new powerful agents provide a complete answer, but there is no longer any reason why your health plan could be changed behind the scenes to meet your specific health needs differently than it was last year, SADAs CEO said. I did.

[Related: Google Cloud CEOs 5 Bold Remarks On New Chip, AI Agents And The New Way To Cloud]

So things that would normally be partially surfaced and completed by a human are now entering the era of automation and relying on these AI capabilities to change memberships, change subscriptions, change deductibles, etc. You can now actually complete tasks such as changing the . .to complete the workflow cycle, Safoan said. Another simple example is if you lose your password. Previously, it displayed “Please perform the following steps.” Now, all you have to do is follow these steps to reset your password and then have your password texted to you. The completion of this type of workflow ushered in a new era of productivity.

Google's new Vertex AI Agent Builder helps you achieve your goals

To help partners create these AI agents for their customers, Google this week announced the new Vertex AI Agent Builder.

The new Vertex AI Agent Builder brings together foundation models, Google search, and other developer tools, along with orchestration and extension capabilities, for partners to build and deploy agents. Google says that by using Vertex AI Agent Builder, partners can now quickly create a variety of generative AI agents based on her Google searches and customer data.

Quantiphi, a Google Cloud Premier Partner and AI superstar, said Vertex AI Agent Builder helps customers solve business problems and achieve their AI goals. Quantiphi CEO Asif Hasan said that Google Agent is the next evolution of his AI assistant.

In Assistant fashion, there's a search bar where you can ask any question you want. You don't have to browse through links or anything like the assistant paradigm because the system retrieves the answer and returns it to you. He said.

In the agent paradigm, you don't ask questions, you give them goals. Then break down your goal, reason, plan, create a first draft of your answer, reflect on your answer, and improve your answer, Hasan said. Then, repeat the series of steps to reflect on yourself or ask for feedback. And at the end of the process, it will help you achieve your goals. I was so excited.

Google also launched new enhancements this week to help organizations build data agents, including bringing Gemini to popular Google products like BigQuery, databases, and Looker.

Google, new CPU and TPU hardware for AI

Another area that excited partners at Google Cloud Next was Google's push to develop microprocessor hardware that powers the AI ​​ambitions of Google and its customers.

Google this week announced its first custom ARM-based CPU chip designed for data centers powered by Google Axion, delivering up to 50 percent better performance than comparable current-generation x86-based instances, Google said. Stated.

Additionally, Google's new AI accelerator Tensor Processing Unit v5p is now generally available. Each TPU v5p pod is made up of approximately 9,000 chips across Google's highest bandwidth chip-to-chip interconnect (ICI).

The customer hardware part of AI is becoming very interesting, said the Quantifice CEO. Recent events in the market have shown us that there is an insatiable demand for custom AI hardware.

The combination of CPU and GPU (TPU) will be leveraged by organizations in many AI workflows.

The mainstay of AI will be GPUs or Google derivatives, high-speed computing chips, and more specialized Tensor Processing Units, Hasan said.Google [innovation engine] This place is amazing.

SADA's CEO echoed Hasan's sentiment that he believes Google Cloud's end-to-end AI portfolio is a market differentiator.

So if you look at what Google is doing, from the core chips that every enterprise needs, to building those kinds of things on Google and packaging them around Workspace and other SaaS technologies, we're building value. We're really talking about the whole spectrum of, Safoian said.

The challenge is and continues to be a collaborative partner ecosystem that helps customers extract real value from these building blocks in a way that is measurable, reliable, scalable, reproducible, safe, secure and easy to operate. Yes, Safoian said. . So there is a huge amount of work for the partner ecosystem to do.

Google Cloud Next in Las Vegas will be held from April 9th ​​to April 11th.




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