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Shamir Anderson and Stephen James receive stars on the Scarborough Walk of Fame

Shamir Anderson and Stephen James receive stars on the Scarborough Walk of Fame


Canadian actor brothers Shamir Anderson (John Wick 4) and Stephen James (Beale Street) were unveiled their stars on Scarborough's Walk of Fame. The men were raised in a marginalized Toronto community by a single mother who immigrated to Canada from Jamaica.

“It's really humbling and an honor to receive something like this in my hometown, the mall where I grew up. It's so cool,” Anderson told The Hollywood Reporter.

The honor on the local Walk of Fame, which honors fast-rising Hollywood stars, is a collective positive-thinking addition to the inner-city district that has previously brought in global celebrities such as Mike Myers, Jim Carrey and The Weeknd. It is more than practice.

Using the Bay Mills Studios production banner (named after the community housing project in Scarborough where they grew up), the brothers created a groundbreaking project set in their hometown inner-city community away from Hollywood. I'm working on a TV drama. Director Anderson is keeping the drama's storylines close to his forte, but the untitled project will be announced through a first-look deal with Boat Rocker Studios, which will showcase Bay's diverse storylines in original television projects. -Part of Mills Studio's mission.

“The reason why it took so long is because we wanted to make sure it was authentic, that we had the right voices, and that we wanted to do it on the right budget to highlight every aspect of Scarborough,” he explains. do. This district includes the main east-west Sheppard Avenue in Toronto's eastern suburbs.

Anderson and James are trying to do for Scarborough what Spike Lee did for his beloved Brooklyn and Billy Wilder did for old Hollywood, with local broadcasters, Netflix, Paramount+, The Canadian divisions of U.S. streamers such as Prime Video are surrounding the much-talked-about TV station. “Who can say out loud that this marginalized community is important enough and that there is a story here, a story that resonates with a large portion of this country?” James said. To challenge.

Scarborough has already begun to see its share of light, including in the 2022 feature film Brother, directed by Clement Virgo. This mystery drama follows three intertwined timelines as Caribbean immigrant sons Francis and Michael grow up in a Toronto apartment complex in turmoil during the summer of 1991, amidst police brutality and shattered dreams. Follow. Prior to that, the 2021 drama Scarborough was released. Rich Williamson adapted the novel by Katherine Hernandez about three low-income families in an inner-city community.

Otherwise, Scarborough is primarily home to films filmed locally, including Guillermo del Toro's The Shape of Water, Pacific Rim, The Incredible Hulk, and Resident Evil: Afterlife. It has provided the background for many Hollywood movies. In an earlier attempt to amplify Black voices in Toronto, Anderson and James launched the Black Academy, which began with the annual Black Ball Party at the Toronto Film Festival.

The gala eventually became the Legacy Awards, a Canadian awards show that celebrates emerging and established Black talent, and aired on the country's public broadcaster, the CBC.

After “John Wick 4,'' in which he played a tracker who attempts to assassinate Keanu Reeves, Anderson will be seen in Apple TV+'s Simon Kinberg's “Invasion,'' Mo McRae's “Lot of Nothing'' and Blood. – Appeared in “The Tin Soldier'' directed by Fuhrman. James played Olympic hero Jesse Owens in “Race,” Alonzo “Fonny” Hunt in Barry Jenkins' “If Beale Street Could Talk,” and John Lewis in Ava DuVernay's “Selma.” acted. He also starred opposite Julia Roberts as Walter Crews in Amazon Prime's Homecoming and appeared in Zac Penn's science fiction series Beacon 23.

James credits his mother's success more than anything. “First and foremost, our mother was a single mother raising three black boys in subway housing, giving us the opportunity to believe that the world was bigger than Scarborough and bigger than the four walls of our apartment. “And it gave us inspiration. We can take it to other places as well,” he added.

But he also expressed frustration that too often Canadian actors and other homegrown talent feel the need to advance in Hollywood before reaching the top in Canada. There is. “While we are in part the victims of it, I think the way we are going to turn the tide and break the generational curse is to say that we are active in the United States and around the world. “Yes, we have a house in Los Angeles,'' he said. “But that doesn't mean we can't come back and invest in our communities and give people a reason to be proud, a reason to have hope in their own success, and a reason to share it with the world. ”




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