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Apple's home robot?Reasons why selling is difficult

Apple's home robot?Reasons why selling is difficult


Apple already makes devices that you can put in your pocket, wear on your wrist, or keep on your desk. Next, it may come to us in an even bigger form.

According to Bloomberg, Apple is considering developing a robot for the home. The tech giant reportedly has two concepts in mind for him: a robot that can move around the house and a tabletop robotic device. The report warns that robotics efforts are in the early stages and may not lead to final products.

Apple isn't the first company to explore home robots. But efforts to turn his sci-fi metaphor of a robot household butler into reality have met with little success for two major reasons. For one thing, such devices are usually expensive and lack unique features that make them feel significantly different from existing technologies such as phones, connected cameras, and mobile phones. smart speaker.

Apple is one of the most influential technology companies in the world, but it has some big advantages that robotics startups lack. But robots still face the difficult task of proving they deserve a place in our homes.

Apple did not respond to CNET's request for comment.

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What would the Apple robot do?

Apple's FaceTime app on an iPad.

Screenshot by CNET

According to Bloomberg, Apple originally wanted to develop an autonomous video conferencing robot that could potentially help with household chores. However, the report describes the domestic function as a “picture-filled” idea rather than a viable project because of the engineering involved. Still, the idea seems similar to Amazon's goals for mobile Alexa bots and its own Astro robot that acts as a security camera.

The second tabletop idea is more advanced and less ambitious from an engineering standpoint, but Bloomberg says it has disappeared from Apple's product roadmap. According to reports, it looks like this will be a mobile smart display similar to Amazon's Echo Show 10. Amazon's device repositions the display and built-in camera to keep users in the frame and able to see their surroundings during video calls. If it works as a home security camera.

Apple's ideas reportedly include moving the smart display in a way that mimics head movements, such as nodding during a FaceTime call. You can also focus on a specific person during a call, Bloomberg reports, which seems similar to Apple's Center Stage feature for the iPad.

Home robot challenges

Amazon's Astro is more than just an Echo Show on wheels.

Chris Monroe/CNET

Perhaps the biggest challenge with home robots is that the market is unproven.

Amazon's Astro, which the company announced in September 2021, may be the most high-profile attempt to bring robots into the home. But more than two years later, it still shows up as part of Amazon's Day 1 Editions program, and requires an invitation to purchase. It also costs $1,600, making it more expensive than an iPhone and iPad combined, depending on the model.

Amazon has updated Astro with new features like pet detection and released a security-focused version for businesses, but the company hasn't said much more about the robot's future.

Small and medium-sized companies without the wide reach or deep resources of Amazon or Apple have also tried to popularize household robots, but to no avail. Take, for example, Jibo, a robot that debuted in 2017 at a time when voice-enabled smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home were gaining traction.

Jibo's developers tried to differentiate themselves by giving the bot an endearing personality, but ultimately its functionality was too limited compared to other home assistants. And Jibo's $899 was much more expensive than most smart speakers. Many smart speakers supported more features and integrations.

Household robot “Jibo”.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET

Smart toy maker Anki made headlines in 2013 when it appeared in a keynote speech at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference. Vox reported at the time that the company was impressed with the adorable Pixar-inspired Cozmo robot STEM toy in 2016, but shut down the business in 2019 after a financial deal fell through.

Kuri, a similarly charismatic home companion from a company called Mayfield Robotics, is another example of a digital helper who met an untimely end.

Anki Cozmo robot toy.

Sarah Tew/CNET

Taken together, the downfalls of Jibo, Anki, and Kuri are cautionary tales that highlight the challenges companies face when bringing robots into the home. While these robots seemed fun, innovative, and impressive in some ways, they weren't practical enough to justify their high cost.

Additionally, Apple does not have as established a presence in the home as some of its competitors, which could make it difficult to commercialize new product categories in that space. Amazon's original Echo became a surprise hit after its introduction in late 2014, helping to create a new market for internet-connected speakers.

Almost a decade later, Amazon still holds the lead, accounting for more than 45% of U.S. smart speaker shipments in 2023, according to figures provided to CNET by International Data Corporation. In comparison, Apple ranks third after Google.

Apple Benefits Rafael Henrique/Getty Images

Developing smart, capable robots at a reasonable price remains a challenge, but Apple has several factors working in its favor. First, judging by a report from Bloomberg, it appears that Apple may have already adopted some of the home robot technology from its scrapped car project.

FaceTime is also one of the most well-known video calling apps, which could make Apple's personal robot even more appealing. This is especially true of the potential tabletop robot mentioned in the Bloomberg report, which appears to be designed for more immersive FaceTime interactions. Apple also has a better reputation than many tech companies when it comes to personal privacy, which could be a factor in customers feeling more comfortable with the presence of robots in their homes.

It's also important to remember that technology has come a long way since Jibo, Anki, and Kuri briefly burst into the spotlight. Advances in artificial intelligence, especially generative AI, will make new domestic robots more capable and smarter, able to carry out more natural conversations and perform tasks on our behalf more efficiently. There is a possibility.

There has been speculation that Apple is chasing the next iPhone moment with new products like the Vision Pro headset. According to Bloomberg, this robot is likely to be a similar effort.

But as I wrote last year, don't expect Apple's next iPhone moment to be like the original iPhone moment in 2007. The world is so different now that his recent Apple blockbusters feel more like slow burns than overnight successes. See how the Apple Watch helped popularize health and fitness tracking and how AirPods changed the headphone industry. These products have gradually influenced the way we use technology.

If Apple were to develop a home robot, I think they would position the product in a similar way to how they are promoting the Vision Pro, calling it a new type of computer. It probably combines the best of the iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and iPhone, all on its own.

Check out Apple's Vision Pro headset and what's included See all photos




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