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eSmart Systems signs multi-million euro deal with Alliander

eSmart Systems signs multi-million euro deal with Alliander


Halden, Norway

eSmart Systems, a global leader in AI-based solutions for critical energy infrastructure inspection and maintenance, contracts with Alliander to improve safety and optimize asset utilization within existing energy networks. It has been concluded.

The contract has a minimum value of EUR 10 million and covers Inspection as a Service (IaaS) solutions from Alliander, one of the largest energy network distributors in the Netherlands.

AI support services include a complete image-based digital inventory of all of Alliander's nearly 60,000 substations and cable cabinets, ensuring full regulatory compliance and public safety for all assets. used for.

This makes eSmart Systems not only the preferred option for large industrial energy operators, both in terms of scale, but also in proving our position as the only company capable of achieving such a reach. This is a groundbreaking contract for the company. With this agreement, we demonstrate how our competitive advantages in AI-driven software, innovation, and unique service offerings can support grid growth and add sustainable value to our customers. Masu. Henrik Bache, CEO of eSmart Systems, said:

eSmart Systems' AI support software will enable Alliander to analyze technical conditions and predict and improve asset management processes, including long-term infrastructure asset maintenance. With this solution, Alliander will improve the quality of asset data in its distribution network, unlocking more value in terms of capital expenditures, reducing its carbon footprint, and improving risk management, including compliance with safe contact regulations. Masu.

eSmart Systems' customer portfolio includes some of the world's largest energy companies, including Statnett, Naturgy, Xcel Energy, and E.ON. With this new agreement, the company expects to double its annual revenue and strengthen its global recruiting efforts.

This agreement demonstrates that our solution is scalable and can be applied to support utilities around the world. The need for stability in the world's energy networks will continue to grow, with challenges posed by aging infrastructure, increasing energy demand, and climate change. Vidar Blomvik, director of services and support at eSmart Systems, says eSmart Systems has already proven to be an important part of the solution.


About eSmart Systems seSmart Systems is a leading provider of AI-powered solutions for critical infrastructure inspection and maintenance. The company is headquartered in Halden, Norway and serves approximately 50+ power companies worldwide.

With its Grid Vision portfolio, the company provides inspection management and asset information management solutions and services to power companies around the world. Grid Vision provides a data-driven and condition-based approach to infrastructure inspection, helping utilities reduce inspection costs, improve inspection safety, improve asset data quality, and extend asset life. To do. For more information about the company, please visit

About Alliander Group Alliander Group is responsible for supplying gas and electricity to 3.2 million households and businesses in the Netherlands. The company operates 90,000 km of electricity and 40,000 km of gas networks across six regions, including Amsterdam, Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, North Holland and South Netherlands. By developing sustainable power grid technologies, innovative metering solutions and intelligent energy infrastructure, we are committed to delivering reliable energy supplies so we can continue to live, work and travel well into the future. I'm here. We are proud that our network is one of the most trusted networks in the world. His 7,000 colleagues at our company are making sure the lights stay on, homes stay warm, and businesses stay open. For more information about this group, please visit




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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