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Apple Watch Series 10 boasts welcome upgrade, reports complaint

Apple Watch Series 10 boasts welcome upgrade, reports complaint


This year, the Apple Watch is reportedly introducing new display technology, which could lead to a much-needed upgrade for any gadget: longer battery life.

Apple Watch Series 9. Will Series 10 have new display technology?


The next Apple Watch, due out this fall, will use a new type of OLED screen called a low-temperature polycrystalline oxide thin-film transistor, according to The Elec. Currently, LTPO is only used in part of the watch's display technology, with the rest using low-temperature polycrystalline silicon, which is not very power efficient. Currently, LTPO is limited to some switching TFTs, the report states.

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This technology is explained as follows: Using oxide instead of LTPS for the driving TFT means that the oxide is responsible for the TFT that connects directly to the OLED pixel. Oxides have been used in LTPO OLEDs to reduce leakage current, but the role of oxides is increasing in newer LTPO OLEDs.

All of this means that while the display may look the same, the next Watch could have longer battery life. But will it?

That's a good question. Apple has always followed a simple plan when it comes to the Watch's battery life. It's about preserving the approximate battery life. Sure, the Apple Watch Ultra and Ultra 2 have much longer battery life, but other models stick to the same 18 hours of use between charges.

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My guess is that this formula will continue, but there's still reason to be excited. That's because if there's more battery life available, Apple would rather spend that energy on new features than on extending overall lifespan.

This means that even with these new features, the Apple Watch Series 10 will likely have similar battery life to the Series 9. It's not yet clear what these features are, but there are rumors that Apple will include blood pressure measurement functionality in the series. Ten.

This is not surprising. This is a key feature of lightweight devices like Samsung's smartwatches and the Swiss-based company's excellent Aktiia bracelet. In that case, it will be interesting to see if it performs the same way as Samsung's devices. Samsung devices require a monthly adjustment in conjunction with a blood pressure cuff.

Or will it be something like the Huawei Watch D, which doesn't require calibration (although it does have an inflatable wristband, which sounds decidedly un-Apple)? More than we have.

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