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Mayor Adams' Halfway Locker NYC Program Gives Taxpayer Resources to For-Profit Companies

Mayor Adams' Halfway Locker NYC Program Gives Taxpayer Resources to For-Profit Companies


Another week, another pilot program. Mayor Adams debuted Locker New York City last week, allowing New Yorkers to pick up parcels at his seven sidewalk locations.

However, like the previous pilot on e-bike charging for food delivery workers, this is less a technology-driven innovation than a public subsidy for private benefit.

The mayor on Wednesday echoed the universal concerns of New Yorkers. “Once your luggage is dropped off at your home, it will be taken away.'' You gotta love New York, he said, adding that people find their packages stolen many times.

I don't think the mayor would want to raise the issue of mass theft.

Almost a year ago, while teasing this locker program, the city even announced that 90,000 packages are stolen or permanently lost every day.

However, police report just 440 cases of grand theft and petty theft each day.

In fact, if the actual number is 200 times that, including semi-secure apartments with locked front doors, then New York faces a crime crisis of epic proportions that cannot be solved by contraptions. .

Nevertheless, we were getting technological tricks. The city has teamed up with startup GoLocker to install his seven LockerNYC locations on public sidewalks in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn.

Residents can sign up for a shared locker online, send packages directly there, and receive them free of charge within 24 hours.

And as City Hall reliably told reporters, the city is not paying for the pilot.

“There is no cost. This is a free demonstration agreement with GoLocker,” said Dinés Mendez, head of the Department of Transportation's Freight Mobility Bureau.

In a sense. The public sidewalk is a public space, and it's already cluttered with all sorts of nonsense, including a LinkNYC kiosk, a parked delivery e-bike, and four increasingly large trash cans.

Now we are ceding public space to private commerce, even though private commerce is already dealing with the problem.

Amazon, the national package delivery giant, offers free pick-up and drop-off locations at Whole Foods and other locations, including lockers at 7-Eleven stores.

UPS and FedEx allow delivery to their hard-to-find retail stores.

Unless private e-commerce companies are solving the problem, why should cities support for-profit industries by providing them with free public space?

Amazon competes with local retailers who must rent their own stores and pay high property taxes through the rent.

As of February, New York remained short of 44,700 retail jobs, or 13% compared to 2019. Nationally, all lost retail jobs have been recovered.

It's the same issue as Adams' pilot, which opened Feb. 29, to provide e-bike couriers with public sidewalk and street space to charge and swap e-bike batteries.

Food delivery is a for-profit business, controlled by giant global apps like Uber Eats.

Corporations, not New York City taxpayers, should provide all the infrastructure and equipment employees need to do their jobs.

And GoLocker offers more security than the NYPD.

DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez said they are working with local New York City police departments to improve safety at each location.

But why should these lockers receive more protection from the NYPD than other locations storing private property?

Additionally, the mayor and his staff used the word free four separate times during Wednesday's press conference, but there's another catch.

Yes, GoLocker provides free services when you sign up for the city program on the GoLocker website.

However, we also offer a selection of two premium services. If you want him to receive the package 24 hours instead of 72 hours, you can pay $5 per delivery, or $20 per month.

Adams didn't mention these non-free options last week, but essentially the city provides free public space and free advertising with sign-up links to businesses that charge for that space. This means that

This is an Adams pattern. Announce pilots that are free or inexpensive to city governments and that are not large or important enough to receive widespread oversight.

He's doing it here with GoLocker, his NYPD recently did it with a new barnacle windshield boot to immobilize vehicles with unpaid tickets, and His DOT highlighted three small private companies in its e-bike charging program.

It's not just an advertisement. These companies will be able to say to other customers and investors, “That was great! The New York City government is using us!”

City councils should ask what process businesses go through to get this free advertising and approval.

Nicole Gelinas is a contributing editor for Manhattan Institutes City Journal.




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