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The 6 biggest announcements to expect from Google I/O 2024

The 6 biggest announcements to expect from Google I/O 2024


Riley Young / Digital Trends

Google will hold its annual developer conference “Google I/O 2024” on May 14th in Mountain View, California. There's about a month until the event, and some big announcements are expected.

Like all Google I/O events, this year's conference begins with a grand opening keynote from CEO Sundar Pichai. But what announcements should we actually expect? Here are some of the biggest events we expect to see at Google I/O 2024.

Android 15 Joe Marling / Digital Trends

Since this is a developer conference, the software is pretty much guaranteed. The focus will be on Android 15, which entered the developer preview stage in mid-February.

Although the current preview of Android 15 lacks any major new features, Google is likely to reveal some new features during the Google I/O stage. Once Android 15 is officially released, there should also be a public beta so more users can try it out.

So far, we know that Android 15 focuses on three main areas: privacy/security, enhanced support for creators and developers, and optimizing app performance. On the security front, Google has made several changes internally to “improve user privacy and enable effective, personalized advertising experiences in mobile apps.”

Other new features that are more visible on the surface include partial screen sharing (now a specific part of the app instead of the entire screen), more fitness and nutrition data types in the Google Health Connect platform, and security measures. There are enhancements, etc. files to better protect users from malware and unwanted changes.

Android 15 also brings some camera changes that improve low-light photography by giving developers access to increase the brightness of the camera preview. There is also more precise control of the flash.

These are just some of the big changes we know about in the Android 15 Developer Preview so far. Hopefully, Google can use I/O to dive into other features we'll see in Android 15.

Google Gemini updates Nadeem Sarwar / Digital Trends

AI is all the rage these days, and Google is no stranger to this field. What originally started as Bard has now evolved into Google Gemini, and we should expect some updates regarding Gemini in Google I/O 2024.

So Google Gemini is basically an AI chatbot that can generate text and answer questions, similar to ChatGPT. But Google Gemini is especially powerful because it uses multimodal features that allow you to perform tasks like text, images, video, audio, and even code generation within the same platform. It also supports multiple large language model (LLM) options at different levels, including Gemini Nano, Gemini Pro, Gemini Ultra, and Gemini Advanced.

Gemini Nano is already used in the current Google Pixel 8 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S24 series. As Gemini continues to evolve, this is an important step in creating a new Google Assistant that is conversational, multimodal, and actually useful.

On your smartphone, you can summon Gemini the same way you summon Google Assistant. It can also recognize content on the screen and perform many tasks that users already expect. iOS users can also access Gemini through his Google app and can also use Gemini features on his Android smartphone through the standalone Gemini app.

Gemini continues to evolve rapidly, so you can be sure to get future updates during Google I/O.

Google Pixel 8a smart app

Google I/O is a software-focused developer conference, but there's some hardware news as well. Over the past few years, we've seen Google launch its Pixel A series smartphones, and this year we're expected to see the Google Pixel 8a.

Thanks to some recent leaks, we may already know what the Pixel 8a will look like and what its specs will be. The Pixel 8a has a design reminiscent of the Pixel 8 series, with rounded corners, a classic camera bar module on the back, and the same 6.1-inch size as the Pixel 7a. To differentiate the Pixel 8a from the regular Pixel 8, we expect thicker bezels around the display.

The Pixel 8a is supposed to have a Google Tensor G3 chip inside, but it may be underclocked compared to the more expensive Pixel 8 models. The display refresh rate could be increased to 120Hz, which is an improvement over the Pixel 7a's 90Hz. Google may also offer up to 256GB of storage this time.

When it comes to battery, the Pixel 8a lasts slightly longer than its predecessor. It will reportedly be powered by a 4,500mAh battery and support 27W charging. This is an upgrade over the previous model's 18W speed.

The cameras are expected to remain the same with a 64MP main camera, 13MP ultrawide camera, and 13MP selfie camera. However, software updates and a more powerful processor could result in better photos overall. Google is expected to offer all of this for the same starting price of $499, which, if true, should make the Pixel 8a a very attractive package.

Google Pixel Fold 2 OnLeaks / SmartPrix

Last year, we launched Google's first foldable device, the Google Pixel Fold. It was announced during Google I/O 2023, but it was launched over a month later. We should see a similar pattern with the Google Pixel Fold 2, assuming Google releases it this year.

Rumors suggest that the second-generation Google Pixel Fold will have a major design change. The leak confirms what appears to be a flat hinge and edge, and the camera bar module is gone. Instead, it looks like a rectangular module with his two rows of pill-shaped black outlines for the camera lens and sensor. This reminds me of the Pixel 4 and Pixel 5 era.

You may also see some changes to your display. As for changing the display size of the cover and the inner display, so far he has two rumors, and it is not clear which one is more likely. However, both indicate that the external and internal displays will be larger than the original Pixel Fold.

The first Google Pixel Fold launched a month after its announcement, and there are whispers that the Pixel Fold 2 could arrive later this year. It could be released alongside the Pixel 9 series in late summer or even fall. Because Pixel Fold 2 may launch with Tensor G4 chip to improve AI performance.

Regardless of when Pixel Fold 2 actually launches, we expect Google to at least reveal it during Google I/O 2024.

Google Pixel 9 OnLeaks / 91Mobiles

The Google Pixel 9 series is almost certain to arrive this year, but it's unclear if Google will show it off at Google I/O, but it's possible.

The flagship Pixel series is usually released in the fall, but Google teased the Pixel 7 during Google I/O 2022. However, the Pixel 8 line was not unveiled during I/O 2023. All eyes are on whether Google will announce Pixel 9 at Google I/O 2024. Regardless of what happens, we already know a few things about the Pixel 9.

Like the Pixel Fold 2, the Pixel 9 series is also expected to receive a redesign. It's likely to feature flat edges similar to the iPhone 15 and Samsung Galaxy S24, as well as an improved camera visor that doesn't extend all the way to the edge of the frame.

Another big potential change is that the Pixel 9 series could include three smartphones: Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and Pixel 9 Pro XL. This marks the return of XL size for the first time in five years. The Pixel 9 is expected to have a 6.03-inch display, the Pixel 9 Pro will have a 6.1-inch display, and the Pixel 9 Pro XL will have a 6.5-inch display. All these phones will be powered by Tensor G4 processors.

It's unclear whether there will be a Pixel 9 announcement/preview next month, but we certainly hope so.

Google Pixel Watch 3 Joe Marling / Digital Trends

Similarly, your Pixel Watch 3 may or may not appear during Google I/O. Google teased the original Pixel Watch during Google I/O 2022, but didn't provide a teaser for the Pixel Watch 2 last year. We know a little about the Pixel Watch 3, whether it's shown at I/O 2024 or not, but we're still pretty early in the rumor cycle.

The Pixel Watch 3 will likely come in two sizes for the first time. Currently, the Pixel Watch is only available in 41mm size. Rumor has it that if the second size comes out, it will be 45mm.

It's unclear what kind of chip the Pixel Watch 3 will have, but reports suggest it will include a new ultra-wideband (UWB) chip, allowing for precise location tracking and short-range communications. Masu.

Again, we don't know if a Pixel Watch 3 preview will be released at Google I/O 2024, but it's certainly possible. Regardless of whether Google teases the smartwatch with I/O, don't expect a full release until later this fall.

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