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MTN and Huawei open technology innovation lab in Joburg

MTN and Huawei open technology innovation lab in Joburg


MTN and Huawei held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the Technology Innovation Lab.

MTN Group has partnered with Huawei to officially open a technology innovation lab at the telco's headquarters in Johannesburg.

The companies said in a statement that this marks continued collaboration progress across diverse digital fields.

First announced when both parties signed a memorandum of understanding at the 2024 Mobile World Congress, the lab aims to further deepen collaboration and accelerate digital transformation and sustainable development across Africa. they point out.

According to the companies, the Technology Innovation Lab is poised to become a catalyst for digital progress in Africa. They said fostering cross-regional collaboration will stimulate Africa's digital ecosystem and facilitate the rapid development, deployment and adoption of cutting-edge and innovative solutions.

The company said the institute will play a key role in MTN's evolution, moving beyond the role of a traditional telco to become a comprehensive technology services provider.

Research and development within the lab will focus on key areas such as 5G and 5G-A technologies, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, cloud computing, fiber optics, automation, and digital financial services.

During the launch event's facility tour, visitors were shown several technology use cases spanning networking, fintech, information technology, and security.

said Ralph Mupita, President and CEO of MTN Group. “This lab further demonstrates our commitment to developing relevant, sustainable and innovative solutions specifically designed for the African context, and is a product of African-born, African-made solutions. It means making strategic investments in Africa's future.

It will foster the growth of the digital economy, foster innovation, and create long-term opportunities to empower communities and drive development on the continent.

MTN Group Chief Technology and Information Officer Mazen Murou emphasized during the event: The Technology Innovation Lab is more than just a technology hub. It is a platform for collaboration and demonstrates our technology capabilities, born from the continuous investments MTN has made over the past 30 years.

This is a space where the best minds can come together, share ideas, and push the boundaries of what's possible. By working closely together, we can leverage each other's strengths and the collective talent of Africa's innovators to create life-changing solutions. It is this collaborative spirit that will unlock the lab's true potential.

Cao Ming, President of Huawei Wireless Solutions, said: “We look forward to working with MTN to develop leading products and solutions for the African market, and together we will explore new business models that will move the industry forward.” We believe in accelerating the development of the digital economy and building a richer and more sustainable African continent.

The Technology Innovation Lab will serve as a hub for experimentation, demonstrations and skill-building, the companies said. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and resources designed to support cutting-edge research and development initiatives.

The lab is open to MTNers, partners and other interested parties on a pre-booked basis for access to the facility, they concluded.




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