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How Fitbit and Pixel Watch can help measure stress

How Fitbit and Pixel Watch can help measure stress


Were you excited because you just got a promotion, or upset because you lost your car keys? Megan says. What's going on in your life and your emotions are important, but your body only recognizes stress and doesn't know the difference. In some cases, experiencing stress can actually be helpful. Maybe you're feeling stressed about having to present at a conference, says Megan. A little stress around that can actually make your presentation more effective and give you good energy. Another example of helpful stress is how you feel before a big race. The extra adrenaline secretion helps you reach your peak performance.

However, when stress causes distress or becomes chronic, it can become a serious problem and have negative health effects such as sleep problems, anxiety, and high blood pressure. What matters is what you can do about stress or your response to stress. Our approach for Fitbit and Google Pixel Watch devices is three-pronged: detect, intervene, and reflect.

Recognize patterns with stress alerts

First, let's talk about detection. Fitbit's stress alerts and Google Pixel Watches' physical responses help connect the psychological with the physiological, Megan says. Body Response uses the cEDA (continuous electrodermal activity) sensor in Google Pixel Watches to detect small changes in sweat levels on the skin. This, when combined with heart rate, heart rate variability, and skin temperature, can point to possible signs of stress. (He's also smart enough to know the difference between stress and working out, so sweating during exercise won't trigger the algorithm.) He also uses the same activity to give you that in-the-moment look. There is also a spot check feature for Fitbit Charge 6s. Depending on your stress level.

These types of alerts provide a very useful opportunity to become aware of how you're feeling and think about what's going on in your life and around you that is impacting your emotional state and body. is. Once you're in the intervention phase, you can use Charge 6's Spot Check to check for stress spikes and choose to try one of the suggested mindfulness activities. Or you can use the breathing exercises on Google Pixel Watches. Conversely, you may simply feel full of energy. It's a good time to go for a run or tackle something on your to-do list.

That way, you can reflect on it in the end. Being aware of your reactions and connecting them to what's happening to you is an important skill that allows you to learn from and, in some cases, change your environment, says Megan. Just being able to see and connect and say, “Oh, what happened affected me,'' is really important. Features like stress management scores and mood logs also show trends over time, giving you a better understanding of your mental health. As Megan says, in order to change something, you first have to realize it. That way, you can identify your own signs of stress, notice your mental, physical, or both reactions, and start taking steps to manage them.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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