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Delta is an iOS Gameboy emulator that (supposedly) never goes down

Delta is an iOS Gameboy emulator that (supposedly) never goes down


Video game emulators are struggling. Back in March, Nintendo Switch emulator Yuzu was shut down following a lawsuit from Nintendo. Another Nintendo emulator, Pizza emulator, also disappeared around the same time. And last weekend, a Game Boy Advance app called iGBA quickly became popular after Apple updated its restrictions on retro game emulators to allow them to be used in the App Store. iGBA couldn't survive Monday.

However, an emulator similar to iGBA is now available on the App Store. Delta is a free upgrade version of the emulator designed specifically for iOS, supporting games from Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, and Game. It allows you to play Boy Advance, DS, and games created for these systems on your iPhone screen. The emulator is focused on providing a polished and easy-to-use emulation experience, with his iOS-specific features such as AirPlay, says creator Riley Testut. Compatible with a variety of controllers, including the Nintendo Switch Pro controller, Joy-Con, Nintendo Switch Online controller, PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Earlier this month, Apple eased restrictions on the App Store, allowing retro game emulators to be registered in the store. The main provision of the rule change was that emulation apps would comply with all applicable laws. (Nintendo has a history of cracking down on sites that traffic his ROMs, which are playable software versions of hardware game cartridges.) Apple also explicitly prohibits the sale of counterfeit products in its stores. I am. Don't simply copy the latest popular app from the App Store or make small changes to another app's name or his UI to pass it off as your own, the guidelines state. In the case of iGBA, it was itself a version of another developer's work.

Testutto, a University of Southern California student and app developer, told WIRED that he first learned about iGBA on Discord, where Patreon supporters were discussing it on Saturday night. He quickly recognized his work in an emulator listed on the App Store. Not only was the controller skin and his UI identical, but the app's internal name was literally

Testut expressed shock and disappointment online that iGBA made it onto Apple's platform before his own project. Even though Apple took the time to change the App Store rules to allow emulators, and was then about to launch a GBA4iOS update called Delta starting March 5th, I was unable to create a copy of my homebrew app. I'm angry about the approval, he wrote in the thread,

Testut said the developer responsible for iGBA emailed him and personally apologized for the confusion. They didn't expect it to happen this quickly, Testut said.

Apple declined to comment.

The demand for emulators like Testuts is likely to continue to grow as the gaming industry grapples with preserving older titles that are in danger of disappearing forever. Testut says we've repeatedly seen IP owners (consistently) resist porting older titles to new hardware, making them unplayable for later generations. Emulators allow you to play old games even decades later, just like you play old audio recordings.

Even industry leaders believe that emulation could be the solution to game preservation issues. My hope (and I feel like I have to present it as such at this point) is that we as an industry should be able to run older executables (within reason) on modern hardware, so that someone can is to work on legal emulation that allows you to play any game, Xbox head Phil Spencer told Axios in 2021. Since then, Microsoft has established an in-house team focused on preserving Xbox games.

Apple has already opened the doors to emulators in the App Store. iGBA has proven that there is a very enthusiastic market waiting for it. Delta, as long as it stays in the apples, may end up being a good thing.




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