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GBC discusses Baltimore area tech hub designation at roundtable event

GBC discusses Baltimore area tech hub designation at roundtable event


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The Greater Baltimore Commission (GBC) held a roundtable discussion with U.S. Sens. Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen, and Maryland Lieutenant Governor Aluna Miller on March 18 at Coppin State University in Boltmore. and federal technology hub designation for the Baltimore region and submission of a Phase 2 application for funding.

The event will feature key participants including representatives from a growing consortium of Area Tech companies, academic institutions, state and local governments, economic development agencies, and workforce development partners who have come together to support Phase 1 and 2 applications. Stakeholders gathered together. Highlights the region's commitment to innovation and economic development.

The Baltimore region was designated as one of 31 federal technology hubs by the Biden-Harris administration in October 2023, marking a significant milestone for the region's technology and innovation ecosystem. This designation allows us to share $10 billion in funding over five years to foster growth around technology and innovation in the region. Since the designation, the consortium, whose membership has increased from his 38 to his 48, has received his 100 pledges from consortium members, elected officials, and public and private partners.

During the roundtable discussion, Mr. Cardin emphasized the importance of tech hub designation to foster economic growth and job creation in the region. Senator Van Hollen emphasized the role of innovation in addressing pressing challenges and promoting prosperity. Lieutenant Governor Miller emphasized the state's commitment to supporting innovative initiatives that benefit Marylanders.

The second-stage application, submitted earlier this month, focuses on biotechnology and artificial intelligence and seeks $70 million in federal funding, matched by $7.7 million. The proposal includes five projects aimed at creating a sustainable pipeline of future-ready workers, establishing a state-of-the-art biomanufacturing facility, and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in the region .

Biomanufacturing Core: Addressing national security vulnerabilities created by the lack of U.S. biomanufacturing capabilities. Project partners plan to establish a state-of-the-art biomanufacturing pilot facility in Harford County, create a comprehensive biomanufacturing catalyst program, and launch a groundbreaking center for community impact in manufacturing . UpRise for Equitech: Creates a first-of-its-kind startup accelerator network in collaboration with entrepreneurial support organizations that build investor networks and strengthen procurement channels. Anchor Innovation Hub: Connects, mobilizes, and leverages the region's physical and programmatic assets to help founders and early-stage entrepreneurs commercialize their innovations. Project partners will establish an acceptance and support program, along with case managers who will guide entrepreneurs and startups to apply for startup advisory and resource programs. Baltimore Biotech Jobs Initiative: Create a sustainable pipeline of future-ready workers that will form the backbone of America's first Equitech region. Project partners will develop education and training pathways to meet the demands of biomanufacturing and life sciences, while simultaneously creating interconnected pathways for employers and individuals pursuing biotechnology. Develop support mechanisms for Regional Innovation Office: Led by the Greater Baltimore Commission's Regional Innovation Officer (RIO), this office serves as a command center specifically organized to increase innovation across all component projects in the One Baltimore approach, providing essential leadership and Provide governance.

Phase 2 proposals focus on labor and capital. In this consortium, 21% of member organizations are women-led and 29% are BIPOC-led. Collectively, GBC estimates that the five component projects will create 32,700 direct jobs and 65,600 supplier and induced jobs over 10 years across a range of skill levels and sectors. This is higher than the organization's initial estimates shared late last year. Additionally, GBC estimates that within 10 years, investments in Tech Hubs could generate real value added of $8 billion, equivalent to 3.2% of regional GDP, and an estimated return on investment of 14%. Masu.

The consortium is expected to hear a decision on phase two this summer.

To submit a photo for a future business album, please email Assistant Editor Sean Wallace. [email protected]. From left, Sen. Ben Cardin, Sen. Chris Van Hollen, and Lt. Gov. Aluna Miller discuss the federal technology hub designation of the Baltimore area during a roundtable sponsored by the Baltimore Grand Committee. (Photo courtesy of Khaldan Kirsch, Greater Baltimore Commission) From left: Jennifer Bay, executive vice president for policy and research at the Greater Baltimore Commission; Poshik Chatterjee, Executive Vice President, Policy and Chief Economic Officer, GBC; Mark Anthony Thomas, GBC President and CEO Mohan Sunta, GBC Chairman and President and CEO of the University of Maryland Medical System, takes questions during a roundtable discussion hosted by GBC. answered. (Photo by Haldan Kirsch, Greater Baltimore Committee) Helen Montag (far left), senior director of ecosystem development at Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures, speaks on the panel. (Photo by Haldan Kirsch, Greater Baltimore Commission) Tech Hub co-chairs LaToya Staten of Fearless and Jeff Cherry of Conscious Venture Partners engage in conversation during his roundtable discussion hosted by the Greater Baltimore Commission. (Photo by Haldan Kirsch, Greater Baltimore Committee) Members of the GBC Tech Hub Consortium pose for a group photo with Maryland Sens. Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen. (Photo courtesy of Haldan Kirsch, Greater Baltimore Commission) From left: Greater Baltimore Commission President and CEO Mark Anthony Thomas, Coppin State University President Dr. Anthony L. Jenkins, GBC Board Chair and Greater – Dr. Mohan Sunta, Chairman and CEO of the Baltimore Committee, is a researcher at the University of Maryland Health System. Please take time to take photos. (Photo by Haldan Karsh, Greater Baltimore Commission) From left: Poshik Chatterjee, Greater Baltimore Commission, Executive Vice President and Chief Economic Officer, Conscious Venture Partners and GBC Tech Hub Co-Chair Jeff Cherry, Fearless LaToya Staten, GBC Tech Hub Co-Chair; UpSurge CEO Kory Bailey; Accenture Managing Director Anita Puri; Catalyte General Manager Kate Burgin, Harford County Economic Development Assistant Director Larry Muzzelo gathered for a photo. (Photo courtesy of Haldan Kirsch, Greater Baltimore Commission)




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