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Google announces major corporate changes to stay at the forefront of AI development

Google announces major corporate changes to stay at the forefront of AI development


Google LLC is reorganizing key parts of the company, and it's no surprise to learn that the changes are being driven by its ambition to become a leading company in artificial intelligence.

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and its parent company Alphabet Inc., today announced in a blog post that the company will combine teams focused on building AI models across its Research and DeepMind divisions into a single organization. This will move his Responsible AI team at Google, which focuses on AI safety, from a research organization to his DeepMind division, so these experts will design, build, and design Gemini-generated AI models. You will be able to collaborate more effectively with the team responsible for training.

Additionally, the company is consolidating its platform and hardware teams into a single platform and device division, effectively integrating Android, Chrome, and ChromeOS platform development teams with hardware projects such as Pixel devices.

Pichai said the changes will simplify decision-making within the company and allow teams to move more quickly.

Streamlined AI development

Reuters reported that a reorganization of the Google AI team has made model development within the organization more efficient. Last year, the company merged the Brain division within his AI Research group with his DeepMind to create a larger AI team focused on model development.

The remaining teams within the AI ​​Research group will also be merged with DeepMind. Responsible AI teams are primarily responsible for building the rules for developing AI in a safe and ethical manner.

Business Insider reported that the move will give DeepMind head Demis Hassabis significantly more power. Before last year's merger between Brain and DeepMind, Hassabis reportedly ran DeepMind with much greater independence and fought to keep it that way, but now he's at Google's At the center of AI planning.

The Hassabis DeepMind division is the creator of Google's Gemini generation AI model family. It was announced late last year and helps the company compete with OpenAI and other fast-moving AI startups that are encroaching on Google's interests in search and other areas.

Pichai said in a blog post that the changes should give Google a competitive edge by centralizing compute-intensive model building in one place. Business Insider notes that the reorganization could also help reduce internal squabbles, with different teams reportedly competing against each other for access to Google Cloud's computing resources. states.

Platform and device behavior

A merger between two of Google's largest product divisions was announced on the same day, with the Devices and Services group, responsible for developing hardware products such as Pixel smartphones and Fitbit wearables, merging with the organization behind Android and Chrome.

This is an equally big move, as these two divisions are among the largest within Google and will now be combined under the larger Platforms and Devices umbrella. The head of this department, Rick Osterloh, has amassed more authority within the company since he previously oversaw hardware development. Hiroshi Lockheimer, who was head of the Android and Chrome groups, will remain at Google, but he plans to focus on other projects, Pichai said.

The move will likely give Google's Pixel team far more influence and access to resources than before, according to a report in The Information. The Android unit has traditionally been much more important than the Pixel, essentially spearheading the development of all smartphones worldwide other than Apple Inc.'s devices, including Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.'s phones. the report points out. Through his Android division, Google is able to pre-install major applications such as Google Search and Google Play Store on all his Android smartphones, generating huge revenue for the company.

In contrast, Pixel has a small market share, primarily acting as a kind of insurance against Google in case Samsung decides to discontinue Android and develop its own operating system, and also as a It has also played a role in pushing device manufacturers to become more competitive. .

However, with Android market share declining in key regions such as the US, and Pixel sales unable to make up for it, Pichai apparently decided to make a change, resulting in Pixel development slowing down. It should be given higher priority.

The changes will no doubt cause concern for Samsung, but Pichai did his best to reassure Samsung that the reorganization will help it deliver new innovations to its partners more quickly.

It remains to be seen whether Samsung can be convinced that increased focus on Pixel devices will somehow benefit it, but it's possible that Google has other things in mind for the Pixel team. There is enough sex. According to The Information, Pichai is concerned that his AI is driving the development of a new class of devices, with OpenAI working to build its own AI-powered hardware, Meta Platforms Inc. and others. companies are reportedly considering developing more powerful wearable devices using AI. This could mean that today's reorganization could allow his Android and AI teams at Google to work more effectively with his Pixel team to develop his Google-branded devices to counter these developments. suggests that there is.

This may explain why another executive, Sameer Samat, has been promoted to president of the Android ecosystem to lead Google's collaboration with Android partners. His work mainly involves maintaining the firewall between the Google Pixel group and his Android group. This is the main way companies avoid giving their hardware products more special treatment than their partner's products.

Osterloh told The Verge that there are many reasons for the reorganization, and of course AI is one of them. The executive said the integration of Google's hardware team with his Android group will allow the company to perform full-stack innovation when needed. He gives the example of his camera on a Pixel smartphone, which requires designers to have in-depth knowledge of all layers of the hardware system and software stack.

Google may further streamline its internal operations as AI becomes more important to the company. Earlier this week, Ruth Porat, Google's president, chief investment officer and chief financial officer, announced via an internal memo that there would be changes to the company's finance team and expected unannounced layoffs. Porat said the change was necessary as Google realigns its priorities around AI.

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