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New quality capabilities essential for industrial and technological transformation

New quality capabilities essential for industrial and technological transformation


Ma Xuejing/China Daily

At the first group study session held this year by the Politburo of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, President Xi Jinping said that innovation plays a leading role and that new high-quality production forces are freed from the traditional mode of economic growth. He said it means a high level of productivity. Path to productivity improvement. They are characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality, and are in line with China's new development philosophy.

The new high-quality productive forces are fundamentally characterized by a significant optimization of workers, means of production, objects of labor, and their combinations.

The difference between new quality productive forces and traditional productive forces lies in the current stage of China's development, as the former is related to fields that are better updated with advanced technology and higher knowledge density. The reason is that it is more compatible with the direction of future development. Moreover, the new high-quality production capacity is consistent with the main challenge of high-quality development in a new era and the goal of building a modern industrial system characterized by smart, green, and integrated industrial development.

Over the past four decades, China has achieved high economic growth, not only meeting the material and cultural needs of the growing Chinese population, but also making significant contributions to global economic development.

The background to this is that the Chinese Communist Party adheres to the basic task of liberating and developing productive forces, constantly improves top-level policy design according to the development stage of the domestic economy and changes in the external environment, and ensures that policies are in line with the times. That's what I'm doing.

At present, economic development and international competition are deeply connected with the development and competition of new generations of cutting-edge technologies, so the development of new high-quality production forces is emphasized.

Consider three major technological revolutions in modern history: the steam engine, electricity, and information technology. Each time, the application of disruptive technologies has led to dramatic increases in production efficiency, thereby revolutionizing global economic and social development. No economy can stand idly by, and the competitive environment of major countries has changed significantly.

The idea of ​​developing new, high-quality productive forces proposed at this stage is an important decision made by the Party central leadership based on a deep understanding of the laws governing the development of productive forces in human society. It is also an important strategic choice to proactively respond to the new stage of technological revolution and industrial transformation, which has considerable urgency and necessity.

Innovation is the key

The core element for developing new high-quality productive forces is scientific and technological innovation, which will help China promote development, improve its competitiveness, determine its future development potential, and strengthen its global position. This is extremely important in order to maintain a strong voice in the field of science and technology. .

The development of new high-quality productive capacities is showing upward momentum and achieving important results, along with increased investment in scientific research and innovation.

According to World Bank data, China's total R&D spending will reach 3.09 trillion yuan ($426.8 billion) in 2022, triple the amount in 2012, solidifying its position as the world's second-largest R&D spender. is building. The ratio of R&D expenditure to GDP in China was only 0.56% in 1996, but it has increased to 2.43% as of 2021, making China the developing country with the highest ratio of R&D expenditure to GDP. It becomes.

Furthermore, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization, in 2011 China surpassed the United States to become the economy with the highest number of patent applications. Moreover, in the field of standard essential patents, China's declaration in 5G technology reached 42 percent of the world share by September 2023, actively contributing to the development of global 5G standards with Chinese solutions.

Major economies are stepping up efforts to develop next-generation technologies, and China is determined to make innovation the main driver of development, making clear its core position in China's modernization drive.

China is leading the world in technology applications in areas such as 5G, e-commerce, large-scale infrastructure construction, new energy vehicles, and high-speed rail. Cutting-edge research in China is also gaining momentum in the fields of nanotechnology, cloud storage, artificial intelligence, and smart medical technology.

In order to further develop new high-quality production capabilities in the future, China should continue to increase investment in scientific research and pay more attention to basic research.

Although China's total R&D expenditures and R&D share of GDP continue to increase, it still lags behind the United States and some developed countries in Europe. Although China files the most patent applications in the world, the uniqueness of these applications still needs to be increased, and China's influence in setting international standards across a wider range of industries needs to be strengthened.

From an external perspective, the international situation is unstable, and some developed countries have taken unusually restrictive competitive measures against China in the economic, technological, and military fields.

China will strengthen basic research, or zero-to-one research focused on solving major bottleneck problems, and will continue to develop new energy, big data, advanced artificial intelligence, precision medicine, new materials, and advanced manufacturing through continuous efforts.

In the fields of advanced manufacturing, nanomaterials, artificial intelligence, internet information services, and low-carbon technologies, China aims to provide higher quality supplies. In order to respond to the unprecedented global changes, China needs to further strengthen its own innovations, strengthen its existing advantages, and continuously expand its advantages in more fields.

China should continue to strengthen its support for scientific research, and at the same time deepen cooperation between industry and academia.

First, in the field of basic sciences such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry, the authorities will increase investment in basic research, providing long-term and stable investment in basic fields, cross-cutting research, and niche but important fields. support should be provided.

Second, science and technology authorities should select specific universities and research institutions with excellent research advantages and provide them with more long-term, stable and intensive support for key areas and key teams. Should.

Third, the country encourages interdisciplinary research, provides a platform for deep integration of the three academic disciplines of information science, life science, and material science, and anticipates the upgrading and transformation trends of key fields and industries. Experts from various fields should be organized to do so.

Encourage researchers at universities and research institutes to carry out industrial applications, improve various evaluation systems, strengthen the welfare and treatment of front-line scientific research personnel in major research fields, and provide new opportunities for scientific and technical personnel. We need to encourage them to propose theories. In the face of urgent needs and long-term demands from the country's development, we will explore new fields and explore new avenues.

China should also strengthen its education, training and service system for scientific and technological personnel, and actively cultivate new talents in scientific research.

First, the country should accelerate the training of workers who can acquire modern technology, and utilize platforms such as industry-academia integrated training bases and enterprise training centers to develop high-quality and skilled human resources.

Second, the country will build a practical and efficient domestic cross-regional talent communication and cooperation platform, and coordinate for domestic mobility and cross-regional introduction of high-quality skilled talent. Mechanisms need to be improved to free up the flow of new labor elements within the country. Huge market.

Third, quality education will continue to bring new momentum to scientific development, so China needs to further strengthen the cooperation between primary education and higher education, improve the scientific literacy of young people, and especially guide public opinion. There is. and encourage talented young people to engage in scientific research activities.

Moreover, China's participation in global value chains has shifted from an initial reliance on low-cost labor to a broader use of technology, capital, data, and other factors.

Against the background of a higher level of opening up and the construction of a unified domestic market, active interaction between domestic distribution and international distribution through scientific and technological innovation is necessary to further develop new high-quality production forces. Efforts to promote this need to be coordinated. National economic security.

China should continue to introduce cutting-edge technology from outside without being overly dependent on it, and focus on providing experience in breakthroughs in its own technology.

We should also continue to promote high levels of openness and high-quality international cooperation, and strengthen the interaction of domestic and international markets and resources. Through it, we will improve the allocation efficiency of knowledge-intensive resources, promote the innovative allocation of production factors, optimize China's production capacity and industrial sophistication, and ensure that industries with comparative advantages have high added value of world value. This should be done in a step-by-step manner. chain.

The author is president of the International University of Business and Economics and vice president of the China World Economic Association.

The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.




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