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26 startups announced as founding members of UNICEF Venture Fund Pledge

26 startups announced as founding members of UNICEF Venture Fund Pledge


Over the past decade, UNICEF Venture Fund has identified, tested and grown 149 open technology solutions from start-ups and UNICEF offices in 87 countries.

Applying a philanthropic approach, the Fund makes non-equity financial investments and mentors frontier technology startups based in emerging economies that develop solutions to some of the world's toughest problems. We have provided market access and reached over 110 million people worldwide. Of these, 34.3 million are children.

The fund is now embarking on a new era in its investment approach. With a vision to expand reach and harness the potential of technology for good, alumni startups from emerging countries working on frontier technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and machine learning will receive a Venture Fund Pledge. Announced as a founding member.

To demonstrate support for our shared values ​​of justice, equity, and inclusivity in technology, 26 companies representing 36% of Funds Alumni’s startup portfolio have volunteered to provide financial or in-kind support. promised to contribute. to the foundation's mission.

At the core of Funds' mission is to foster a diverse tech startup ecosystem to impact society and harness the potential of technology for good. The commitment of pledged members to come forward enables future allies to do so.

The collaboration between our founders and the UNICEF Venture Fund has always been strong, but we recognize the need to further strengthen our shared impact. Hannah Burkhardt, UNICEF Venture Fund Lead, believes that alumni startups that commit to giving back to maximize our collective impact for a more just future for our children are the ones we receive the most. This is the best evidence of the value created that can be achieved.

In 10 years, the venture fund has provided capital and guidance to 81 companies in 37 countries. These startups were able to generate an average of 2.6 times their initial investment, totaling approximately USD 25 million, through recurring third-party funding. To date, 65% of the fund's portfolio companies are profitable and 40% have posted a profit.

Fulfilling the pledge will help the Fund continue to mentor and invest in technology entrepreneurs to test and pilot open source solutions that have the potential to accelerate outcomes for this and the next generation.

How Venture Fund Pledge works

Graduates of Venture Funds' seed-stage investment period are invited to make a voluntary pledge to share a portion of their financial success in the form of a gift to the Fund. In lieu of financial support, in-kind support is promised from early-stage companies committed to moving forward.

With the support of the Fund, Pledge members will become part of a network of mission-driven, interdisciplinary technology entrepreneurs and have a soft landing upon graduation. When pledges are fulfilled and members become donors to the fund, they unlock the potential to partner with UNICEF and accelerate progress for children around the world.

We are driven by the need to act more, faster and smarter to address global challenges that impact the lives of children around the world. Our alumni companies have successfully tested and scaled technology solutions in the diverse communities that need them most. We would like to thank Hannah Burkhardt for further cooperation as her pledged member.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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