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Apple offers a service to peek into its AI language models as iOS 18 approaches

Apple offers a service to peek into its AI language models as iOS 18 approaches


Apple hasn't said much publicly about its plans to join the growing number of companies offering generative AI products, but this week it opened the door to behind-the-scenes work on the kinds of systems that power AI chatbots and image generators.

On Monday, the company released OpenELM, which it calls a “state-of-the-art open language model.” Language models help tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Perplexity, and Dall-E respond to input prompts when you let AI compose emails, write computer code, or create fancy images. This is a huge set of information that can be used to

So while this isn't yet the Apple AI product we've all been waiting for, it's a logical step in that direction and hints at AI features that Apple may offer in its upcoming iOS 18 software for iPhone. There is likely to be.

OpenELM's release comes just weeks before Apple's WWDC event in early June, where the company traditionally talks about its next wave of software products.

Apple did not respond to a request for comment.

However, during a quarterly earnings call in February, CEO Tim Cook hinted that Apple would reveal its plans for generative AI at some point in 2024. Also around that time, Apple released Generative AI and the Apple Vision Pro, a wearable that CNET critic Scott Stein called “Apple's wildest and weirdest device,” released in the same month.

It's not yet clear how OpenELM fits into these plans. However, in his March research paper, Apple described a large-scale language model that is multimodal – a language model that can generate a variety of content formats.

While Apple continues to attack, most tech giants and many startups have already rushed out at least one generation of AI products. Adobe, Anthropic, Google, and OpenAI are racing to release increasingly capable models that not only understand a wider variety of queries, but also produce more realistic images and videos. They highlight internal research projects in areas such as video games and music composition to tease out what they can offer to capture users' attention and lock in their potential loyalty as users of AI products. I'm also passionate about it. (Check out our new AI Atlas guide for the latest AI news, product reviews, explanations, tips, and more.)

Some points about OpenELM

According to a paper posted on Apple's Machine Learning Research site, the OpenELM release includes everything needed to train and evaluate language models on publicly available datasets, including training logs, checkpoints, and pre-training configurations. It is listed as included. (His ELM part of the name stands for “efficient language model.”)

Maxwell Horton, a machine learning researcher at Apple, wrote on LinkedIn that OpenELM is part of a new open source repository called CoreNet and is available via GitHub. This resource also includes code to convert your model to an array framework for machine learning research on Apple chips. This enables inference and fine-tuning on Apple devices. Also included are vision and language models with training recipes and code releases for 11 of his Apple research publications. .

The OpenELM paper states that the goal is to pave the way for future open research efforts.

“Reproducibility and transparency of language models at scale are critical to promoting open research, ensuring trustworthiness of results, and enabling investigation of data and model biases and potential risks.” ,” the paper added.

Large language models are measured in the number of so-called parameters, or variables of mathematical calculations used to produce an output from a particular input. As the number of parameters increases, so does the model's ability to understand the language. Apple's pre-trained and instruction-tuned models have 270 million, 450 million, 1.1 billion, and 3 billion parameters.

For comparison, ChatGPT 3.5 has 175 billion parameters. The latest version of Meta's Llama 3 model has 70 billion parameters.

Last July, reports surfaced that Apple was working on an AI chatbot called Apple GPT and a large-scale language model called Ajax, but the company has not commented.

“As I've mentioned before, there's a lot of work going on internally” about generative AI, Cook said during an earnings call in February. “Our MO, so to speak, is to do the work and then talk about the work, and not to get in front of ourselves, so we're going to stick to that this time as well.”

Editor's note: CNET used an AI engine to create dozens of stories and label them accordingly. The notes you are reading are attached to articles that substantively cover the topic of AI, all written by professional editors and writers. Please see our AI Policy for more information.




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