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Tuta Mail files DMA lawsuit against Google for lower search rankings

Tuta Mail files DMA lawsuit against Google for lower search rankings


Encrypted email service Tuta Mail has filed a Digital Markets Act (DMA) complaint against Google for suppressing search results featuring the service. According to a swamp posted by Tuta Mails' German parent company, Tutao GmbH, Google has stopped displaying thousands of keywords on its service website and limited search traffic to the site to so-called branded traffic. Secure Mail will no longer appear on his Tuta email website. This reduced visibility by over 90%. Encrypted email services claim that Google is acting as a gatekeeper and destroying our business through search results.

According to this post, Tuta Mail (formerly Tutanota) is the second largest encrypted email service in the world and ranked highly in search results for terms such as encrypted email and secure email until March of this year. It had been. However, Google has now stopped ranking his Tuta mail website high in search results for thousands of keywords, resulting in a 74% drop in total impressions. Search engines also stopped ranking the Tuta mail website higher in search results that did not include the company name or related brand keywords (such as tuta), resulting in an 89% drop in visibility, but still It included Russian keywords and alternative domains for the company. If all keywords were removed, the total visibility loss would be over 90%. Tuta mail also points out that the impression decline is significantly greater than what he faced after his 2023 rebrand.

The company also said that when a user in Germany searches for the term “tutanota login,” the first result is the Tuta app on the Google Play Store rather than the website, and the second link is a thread on Reddit, making it more visible in branded search results. also claims to have an impact. This result is not reproduced in other search engines such as Bing, Yahoo! Or DuckDuckGo, which features email service websites as the first result. Tutao GmbH claims that it tried to raise the issue with Google through multiple channels, but received no response. Google did not inform Tutao of the changes in search ranking settings.

Tuta Mail wants Google to help solve search problems. This post includes information about our site disappearing from Google search, especially for terms that are obviously closely related to our products, such as “Tutanota login,” “encrypted email,” and “secure email.” That is unacceptable.

For email services, such issues represent the need for DMA. We hope that by making this issue public, you will eventually be able to contact the appropriate Google personnel to resolve the issue. If not, the last option is to sue Google under the DMA, he says Tutao.

Specifically, the deadline for online gatekeepers to become DMA compliant is March 2024. Article 6(5) of the DMA states that gatekeepers may favor the services and products they provide over similar services or products of third parties in ranking and related indexing and crawling. It states that it must not be handled. Gatekeeper shall apply transparent, fair and non-discriminatory conditions to such rankings. A company is considered a gatekeeper if it operates one or more of its core platform services, such as search engines, social networks, advertising, cloud computing, or web browsers.

The DMA, which first came into force in November 2022, is a European ex-ante regulation aimed at controlling the dominance of large private companies in the digital sector and promoting fair competition. Google is currently under investigation by the European Commission for allegedly favoring its own services in search engine results. The EU said it would investigate whether Google directs users to its own services (e.g. Google Shopping, Google Flights, Google Hotels) rather than competing services through search results.

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