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Get a great smartwatch for less with the best Apple Watch deals ahead of Memorial Day

Get a great smartwatch for less with the best Apple Watch deals ahead of Memorial Day



For many iPhone users, the Apple Watch is the ultimate smartwatch companion. Memorial Day is just a few weeks away, and there will be a flurry of sales on popular wearable products. However, some of these deals are already live ahead of the holiday season, making now the best time to save even more.

From the discounted Apple Watch Series 9 (no blood oxygen feature) to the more affordable Apple Watch SE, there's an Apple Watch for every type of wearer. Now's the time to save big on your favorite Apple Watch models. Whether you want the latest technology or value-driven options, sales are huge right now.

Check out the best Apple Watch deals you can buy before Memorial Day. Best of all, thanks to fast shipping, you can probably get most of these models in a day or two. And if you want to buy optional watch bands for your Apple Watch, our team has compiled his 8 best premium bands of 2024. Accessorizing is always a good idea.

Apple Watch Ultra 2 (49mm, GPS + Cellular, Refurbished): $600 (25% off) Amazon

There are currently no special deals on the retail version of the Apple Watch Ultra 2, but you can get a discount when you buy a refurbished product on Amazon. You can buy with confidence knowing that your new watch is backed by Amazon's guarantee that it complies with the brand's standards.

For outdoor adventurers and active users, the latest Apple Watch Ultra 2 is an exciting upgrade that packs advanced features into a durable smartwatch design. It's sleek, rugged, and everything you want in a wearable, and you'll be paying a premium for it, but it's worth it.

This rugged model adds useful new features like double-tap controls that let you manage your calls and music using your thumb and fingertips. Apple's great health sensors like heart monitoring, collision detection, and menstrual cycle tracking are still included. As previously mentioned, blood oxygen monitoring is not available with this device, so adjust your expectations accordingly.

Otherwise, Apple Watch Ultra 2 makes upgrading easy. This is the best of the lineup and definitely worth picking up if you don't mind spending a pretty penny. The cheapest option we found was this model with a blue band.

Apple Watch SE 2nd generation (40mm, GPS only): $189 (24% off) Amazon

Apple Watch SE (2nd generation) is the ideal entry-level smartwatch with important safety features for users of all ages. This affordable favorite is currently available on Amazon for just $189, but while supplies last, it'll be on sale at Walmart for $209.

It is powered by Series 8's powerful S8 chip and has a lightweight aluminum frame. This gives you great performance at an affordable price.

SE retains must-have Apple Watch features like fall detection, emergency SOS, and activity tracking. It also takes care of your basic needs for health monitoring, notifications, communication, and apps.

While the SE (2nd generation) lacks some of the perks of the flagship model, it still has the basics to be a good starter smartwatch. And with current sale prices, it's even easier to take home the safety and practicality of Apple wearables at a solid value.

Apple Watch Series 9 (41mm, GPS + Cellular): $429 (14% off) Amazon

For a limited time, here's your chance to get the latest Apple Watch Series 9, which features GPS and cellular capabilities and a smaller size (41mm), for a discounted price of $429 at both Amazon and Walmart.

When you enable cellular functionality on this smartwatch, it works autonomously from your iPhone, so you can use your Apple Watch to make and receive calls, send and receive text messages, and listen to music even when your phone isn't nearby. Stream, get answers to your questions from Siri, and get GPS navigation.

Apple Watch Series 9 comes in a wide range of colors, numerous watch band options, and two case sizes to choose from. Although not all options are currently on sale, this price is a great deal for the 41mm version of Apple's latest smartwatch with GPS + cellular capabilities.

Apple Watch Series 9 (45mm, GPS only): $359 (16% off) Amazon

The Apple Watch Series 9 is the latest addition to Apple's smartwatch lineup, aside from the rugged Ultra 2 model. This smartwatch is designed to support almost any activity and need. Health insights like ECG, SpO2 monitoring, and menstrual cycle tracking join essential essential features like fitness metrics and collision detection.

New intuitive features like Double Tap, which lets you control calls and music with two fingers, demonstrate Apple's continued innovation. And the iconic style looks just as great on the wrist as it works.

Bring the GPS-only version of Series 9 close to your iPhone for calls, messaging, access to apps, and more. With cutting-edge technology and design, it represents the pinnacle of Apple's world-leading smartwatch ecosystem.

This model is available on Amazon for $359 with the Product Red Sport Band, and at Walmart for the same price with the Midnight Sport Band.

Apple Watch Series 8 (41mm, GPS + Cellular): $299 (Save $200)


The clock is ticking to head over to Walmart's website to snag this Apple Watch Series 8 (41mm, GPS + Cellular version) with a silver-colored aluminum case and white sport band for just $299. This is $200 off the regular price.

The Apple Watch Series 8 is still available at most retailers, but given that it has been replaced by the new Apple Watch Series 9, stock will likely be harder to come by.

This special price is only valid on select watch colors and some configurations are already sold out. Take advantage of this deal now.

Apple Watch Series 8 (41mm, GPS + Cellular): $199 (Save $300)


Although currently overshadowed by the latest Series 9, the previous generation Apple Watch is still a great smartwatch option at a more affordable price point. It packs the core features that avid Apple Watch fans expect into a slim, ergonomic design.

For everyday use, the Series 8 offers excellent performance without any special price tag. It comes with advanced fitness and sleep tracking, as well as essential health sensors such as optical heart rate monitoring, ECG, SpO2, and temperature functions. There are also essential safety features such as vehicle collision detection that can instantly contact emergency services.

For a feature-packed and inexpensive Apple Watch alternative, the Series 8 is a great choice. It offers rich monitoring features, safety innovations, and sophisticated style in a more affordable package, and it's still available.

You can currently purchase the Apple Watch Series 8 for just $199 at Walmart. That's $300 off the regular price of $499.

Apple Watch Series 7 (45mm, GPS + Cellular, Refurbished): $200 (62% off) Amazon

The Apple Watch Series 9 model is the latest version available, but the Apple Watch Series 7 is still a great choice if you're looking for a balance of practicality and value. It's not very available in anything other than a refurbished model right now, so if you're buying from a retailer like Amazon, that's what you should choose.

This previous generation wearable offers the core Apple Watch experience, so you know what to expect when using it. In addition to the standard phone feature suite, it also comes with health sensors such as ECG, SpO2, and fall detection.

Of course, it also offers fitness tracking and health monitoring features, as well as activity goals, challenges with friends, and detailed metrics to help you get and stay in shape.

If a refurbished model doesn't scare you, you can get a brand new watch for $200 on Amazon right now. This is 62% off the original price of $529.

How do I know if I'm buying an Apple Watch with blood oxygen?

The only way to tell if you own a pre-ban Apple Watch is to look for part numbers ending in LL/A on the packaging or menu. When you buy online, there's no way to know which version you're getting, so keep that in mind unless the retailer specifically tells you which version you're getting.

What is the best Apple Watch?

There's no proven way to determine the “best” Apple Watch overall. However, you can decide what's right for you and your lifestyle. Here are some of the key features to consider when purchasing an Apple Watch.

Size: The latest Apple Watch comes in two sizes. The right size depends on your wrist size and screen size preference. A larger screen allows for better visibility and touch targets, but it can feel bulky on smaller wrists, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Features: If you're into fitness, look for models with advanced health and fitness tracking features. If you need it for connectivity and productivity, you'll want an Apple Watch with GPS and cellular capabilities so the watch can operate more autonomously from your iPhone.

Battery life: Different models and usage patterns affect battery life. If you are a heavy user or plan to use features like GPS or mobile internet connectivity frequently, be aware that these features will drain your battery life faster. All modern Apple Watch models typically last at least a full day between charges.

Compatibility: Make sure your Apple Watch is compatible with your iPhone model. Yes, you need an iPhone to activate and manage your Apple Watch. So if you don't own an iPhone or don't plan on pairing your Apple Watch with your iPhone, don't buy it.

Health features: If health monitoring is a priority (ECG, heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen monitoring, etc.), look for models that include these sensors and note which features are no longer available on specific models. please.

Future-proof: When you purchase the latest Apple Watch model, you're guaranteed extended software and WatchOS support and access to new features released in future updates. As long as you stay informed, you'll get all the latest updates from Apple.

Brittany Vincent




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