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When injecting pure spin into chiral materials, direction is important

When injecting pure spin into chiral materials, direction is important


Researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of Pittsburgh studied how electron spin information, called pure spin current, moves through chiral materials. They found that the direction in which spins are injected into a chiral material affects their ability to pass through the chiral material. These chiral gateways could potentially be used to design energy-efficient spintronic devices for data storage, communication, and computing.

Spintronic devices use the spin of electrons, rather than their charge, to generate electrical current and transmit information within an electronic device.

One of the goals of spintronics is to transfer spin information within materials without moving the associated charge. Moving a charge requires more energy, which is why cell phones and computers heat up when you use them for long periods of time, says David Waldeck. , professor of chemistry in the Pitts Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and co-corresponding author of this work.

A chiral solid is a substance in which, for example, the mirror images of the left and right hands cannot be superimposed. A left-handed glove will not fit your right hand and vice versa. Chirality in spintronic materials allows researchers to control the direction of spins within the material.

Until this study, it was believed that the chirality of a material, or the sense of handedness, was critical to how and whether spins moved through the material. said Dali Sun, an associate professor of physics and member of the Organic Carbon Research Group. He is a researcher at the North Carolina State University Electronics Laboratory (ORaCEL) and co-corresponding author of this study.

And this is still true when moving entire electrons through matter. However, when pure spins are injected into chiral materials, we find that the absorption of the spin current strongly depends on the angle between the spin polarization and the chiral axis. In other words, whether the spin polarization is oriented parallel or perpendicular to the chiral axis.

In this study, we used two different approaches, microwave particle excitation and ultrafast laser heating, to inject pure spins into the selected chiral materials, and both approaches yielded the same conclusion. said Jun Liu, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and research institute member. his ORaCEL at North Carolina State University and co-corresponding author of this work.

The chiral materials we chose are two chiral cobalt oxide thin films, each with a different chirality, or handedness, Liu says. Non-chiral cobalt oxide thin films are commonly used in modern electronics.

When the researchers injected pure spins aligned perpendicular to the material's chiral axis, they found that the spins did not pass through the material. However, when the pure spins were aligned parallel or antiparallel to the chiral axis, their absorption or ability to pass through the material increased by 3000%.

Since spins can only pass through these chiral materials in one direction, Sun said this could allow the design of chiral gateways for use in electronic devices. And this study also challenges some of what we thought we knew about chiral matter and spin, and that's something we want to explore further.

This research was published in Science Advances and was supported by the Department of Energy under award numbers DE-SC0020992 and ER46430. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) Program (award numbers FA9550-23-1-0311 and FA9550-23-1-0368). The National Science Foundation award numbers are DMR 2011978 and NSF-ECCS 2246254.

Rui Sun, a postdoctoral fellow at North Carolina State University, Ziqi Wang, a graduate student at North Carolina State University, and Brian Bloom, a research assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh, are co-lead authors.


Note to editors: A summary follows below.

Huge anisotropic absorption of spin current caused by chirality

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adn3240

Authors: Rui Sun, Ziqi Wang, Andrew H. Comstock, Cong Yang, Aeron McConnell, Brian P. Bloom, Jun Liu, Dali Sun, North Carolina State University. Caleb Clever, Mary Molitoris, Daniel Lamont, David H. Waldeck, University of Pittsburgh; Zhao-Hua Cheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Zhe Yuan, Beijing Normal University. Wei Zhang, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Axel Hoffmann, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Publication date: May 3, 2024, Science Advances

Abstract: The chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect is an effect in which the structural chirality of a material determines whether the transmission of electrons in one spin orientation is favored over the other, and is a next-generation It is emerging as a design principle for creating spintronics. device. CISS means that the spin preference of chiral structures persists upon injection of pure spin currents, allowing it to function as a spin analyzer without the need for ferromagnets. Here we report anomalous spin current absorption in chiral metal oxides exhibiting huge anisotropic nonlocal Gilbert damping with maximum-to-minimum ratios of up to 1000%. The double symmetry of the attenuation is shown to be due to differential spin transfer and backscattering resulting from chirality-induced spin splitting along the chiral axis. These studies reveal the rich interplay of chirality and spin dynamics and identify ways to implement chiral materials to control spin current transport.




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