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Google supports a national approach to US privacy compliance

Google supports a national approach to US privacy compliance


Compliance is not an option. But companies have some options on how to approach it.

There are two main approaches.

Companies can implement compliance programs on a state-by-state basis, essentially devising different data strategies to meet the legal requirements of each state where their customers are located.

Alternatively, you can take a national approach by applying the most stringent guidelines across all jurisdictions (such as California law).

Compliance complexity as so many state privacy laws have already been implemented or are about to be implemented in the US, allowing Penn companies to enforce by 17 if Maryland's governor is removed. An increasing number of companies are choosing the domestic route in order to alleviate this problem.

Well, so is Google. This is a big problem. Because his POV at Google has significance.

Where is Google going?

On Thursday, the Google Ad Manager account on LinkedIn posted that Google will soon support the MSPA US National Privacy Technical Specification (National String) as part of the IAB Tech Labs Global Privacy Platform (GPP).

In English, this means that Google will eventually take a national approach to privacy compliance in the United States.

The MSPA is a multistate privacy agreement, a so-called spring agreement that creates a legal relationship between signatories to enable compliance with multiple state laws as data flows through digital supply chains. National String transfers your opt-ins and opt-outs between our partners in the United States.

Global Privacy Platform (GPP) is the API-based technology that underpins the whole shebang and actually passes the strings around. Currently, GPP supports consent strings for California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia, with more states to come.

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Will TCF members be late?

While the MSPA can promote state-by-state or national approaches to compliance, the IAB and IAB Tech Lab are promoting the latter. Taking a standardized, greatest common denominator approach to compliance is less frantic and more consistent than trying to conform to the proverbial patchwork.

But MSPA and GPP are Tech Labs' babies. It's no surprise they make a fuss.

Google's endorsement of GPP's National String (what a lot of jargon!) is all the more impactful because where Google goes, so does the online advertising industry. If Google is taking a national approach to compliance, we can expect ad tech companies, publishers, and brands to follow suit.

However, forgive the girls for being a little cynical. It is inevitable. When I hear the words that will soon appear in Google posts, I pause for a moment.

When GDPR came into effect in 2018, Google promised to integrate a transparency and consent framework into CMP, and then it took two years of tinkering, adjustments, and delays to finally make it happen. Do you remember?

We recommend keeping your eyes peeled, but don't hold your breath.

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In other news, I attended the Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz Technology Law Summit in New York City on Thursday and heard some great talks. However, we operated under Chatham House rules, so we can only share without attribution.

These are my favorite nuggets:

Regarding compliance in the US: One privacy law would be preferable to many, but I don't think the sky will fall. By and large, people have largely adapted to this new reality, although there are some imperfections along the way. I think it's still manageable even with additional privacy laws as long as it stays within a broad framework. Not ideal, but certainly manageable.

About Washington State’s My Health My Data Act: [With] Without a national approach to health data, drug companies won't even be able to advertise.

On why a national approach isn't a panacea: Many small businesses in our ecosystem don't necessarily know exactly where all their data comes from and are unable to do the heavy lifting of data mapping. I haven't been.

And a bit of deadpan third-party cookie humor: if today you can know, see, delete, reset, and decide what you want to do with it in terms of data collection on your computer. If you were to introduce a technology that could make decisions, we would consider it a privacy-enhancing technology. (pause for dramatic effect) It's a cookie. And now, suddenly, Cookie is the bad guy.

thank you for reading! As always, feel free to contact us below. [email protected] Any comments or feedback? And remember to consult an attorney regarding important issues like this.




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