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CDT appoints three people to leadership roles in technology innovation

CDT appoints three people to leadership roles in technology innovation


The California Department of Technology has appointed three technology experts to support CDT's vision and maintain the state's leadership position in driving innovation. All three will report to Jonathan Porat, the state's chief technology officer.

ivy ten lei

Private sector veteran Ivy Ten Lei has been named the state's first chief digital strategy officer. She recently joined Exygy and started as her lead in growth, marketing, then she was promoted to head of growth, senior growth, director, vice president of growth, and in March she joined CDT. did. Ms. Ray's previous affiliations include Interpublic Group, Gap, her Immigrant Civic Leadership Program at Coro New York Leadership Center, Thesis, and Additionally, she served on the Women's Leadership Committee of COLO Northern California and the Digital Services Coalition, a group focused on incorporating human-centered design into urban technology and government.

As the state's first chief digital strategy officer, I will focus on the intersection of emerging technologies, digital strategy, policy, and the communities we serve, Ray said in the CDT announcement. We are excited to work with government, technology, and community leaders to realize our vision of a more inclusive and equitable California.

The faculty statement added: A native New Yorker, Dreamer, and immigrant, Ivy's passion lies in creating digital solutions to real-world problems.

Renoir Pope

CDT also announced the appointment of Renior Ren Pope as the state's Chief Enterprise Architect to lead the Office of Enterprise Architecture within CDT.

Pope will be tasked with developing the state's architectural framework and outlining how information and technology will support business operations and benefit government officials, according to a CDT announcement. I mentioned it in.

According to CDT, Pope will lead the departments' digital transformation efforts, evaluating the implementation of new technologies to ensure they meet the needs of state governments and residents. With his 30 years of experience in the technology field, Renoir has held leadership positions in federal and state government as well as in the private sector. He is a former U.S. Air Force officer and military veteran.

In addition to more than five years of service in the Air Force, Mr. Pope also served at the Defense Information Systems Agency, where he was director of emergency preparedness for DISA and the U.S. Department of Defense's Global Information Grid. His previous private sector affiliations include General Dynamics, ManTech, Bluemont Technology & Research, Industrial Medium, Etsy, and Info-Do.

The role of chief enterprise architect is to develop the tools and vision necessary to meet the state's business needs and the needs of Californians, Lenoir said in the CDT announcement. In my position, Enterprise as a resource for state leadership will lead the Office of Architecture, provide insight on technology investments, and support strategic business decisions.

Cheney Emmavin

And, as previously reported on Industry Insider California, Chaeny Emanavin has returned to CDT, where he now serves as the state's deputy chief technology officer.

Emanavin has over 25 years of experience in public technology, including web application development and enterprise technology modernization efforts. According to CDT, Emanavin enjoys coaching teams to apply private sector methodologies adapted for public sector use, including product management, human-centered design, iterative/agile methodologies, and design thinking. He says he feels it.

He is a public sector veteran who has served as an IT Specialist at the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Digital Program Manager at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Product Director at U.S. Digital Services, Product Director at CDT Digital Services, and Director of Digital Services . California Department of Health and Human Services Office of Innovation.

Emanavins' private sector partnerships include IGEN International Inc., Aspen Systems, DC Living Real Estate, and Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation.

I am very excited and grateful for this opportunity to join the team! Emanavin said in the CDT announcement. I am passionate about CDT's vision of transforming business models and will apply my knowledge of product management and customer focus to provide world-class customer service and become a preferred choice for departments across the state. We are excited to reaffirm CDT's status as a technology partner.

Regarding the three appointments, CDT said: “In their respective roles, these executives are poised to advance California's technology landscape and ensure we remain responsive and inclusive to the needs of our residents.” Their expertise and passion for innovation will contribute to the state's continued success as a global technology leader.




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