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AWS, Google, Microsoft battle for $76 billion in cloud market share in Q1

AWS, Google, Microsoft battle for $76 billion in cloud market share in Q1


Here are the exact global cloud market share numbers for AWS, Alibaba, Google Cloud, Microsoft, and Salesforce in Q1 2024 as the market grows to $76 billion.

The three largest cloud companies on the planet, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, and Google Cloud, will continue to fight for global cloud market share leadership in the first quarter of 2024, as the market grows to a record $76 billion. It went up.

John Dinsdale, principal analyst at Synergy Research Group, said in an email to CRN that Amazon remained flat compared to last quarter, while Microsoft and Google both posted modest increases. All three companies have seen significant growth increases over the past two quarters.

AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure combined for a whopping 67 percent of the $76 billion global cloud services market in the first quarter of 2024, according to new data from IT market research firm Synergy.

[Related: Microsoft Vs. AWS Vs. Google Cloud Earnings Q1 2024 Face-Off]

A global overview of the current cloud services market before analyzing the exact market share figures for the top five cloud leaders (AWS, Alibaba, Google, Microsoft, Salesforcelets) for the first three months of 2024 .

Cloud market will be $76 billion in Q1 2024, an increase of $13.5 billion

Enterprise spending on infrastructure services by cloud companies was well over $76 billion in the first quarter of 2024. This represents a year-over-year increase of $13.5 billion or 21% compared to the first quarter of 2023.

Dinsdale said this was a very good quarter for the cloud market, with growth rates recovering from the relatively low levels seen through most of 2023. Public infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) services account for the majority of the market, with this sector growing 23% year-over-year in the first quarter.

Economic, monetary and political headwinds remain. However, he said the market's fundamental strengths more than compensate for those constraints, and are influenced in no small part by generative AI technologies and services.

Overall, Synergy Research Group predicts that the cloud market will continue to grow significantly over the next few years. Dinsdale said he expects it to double in size over the next four years.

Here are the current enterprise cloud services market share numbers for AWS, Alibaba, Google, Microsoft, and Salesforce that every partner, investor, and customer should know in 2024.

5th place: Salesforce

Market share in Q1 2024: 3%

Market share in Q4 2023: 3%

Market share in Q1 2023: 3%

CRM and cloud giant Salesforce captured 3% of the global cloud services market, ranking fifth in Q1 2024.

According to Synergy data, Salesforce has consistently gained about 3% share of the global cloud market every quarter for the past three years.

The San Francisco-based company reported total sales of nearly $35 billion in 2023, up 11% from the previous year.

4th place: Alibaba

Market share in Q1 2024: 4%

Market share in Q4 2023: 4%

Market share in Q1 2023: 4%

Alibaba continues to hold approximately 4% share of the global cloud services market as of Q1 2024.

Alibaba Cloud, a subsidiary of Alibaba, is the company's cloud computing business based in China. This cloud company in the past few years he gained a global market share of 4% to 6%.

Alibabas Cloud Intelligence Group generated nearly $4 billion in revenue in the fourth quarter of 2023, an increase of 3% year over year.

3rd place: Google

Market share in Q1 2024: 11%

Market share in Q4 2023: 11%

Market share in Q1 2023: 10%

Since 2019, Google has held a persistent third place in global cloud market share. In the first quarter of 2024, the tech giant gained his 11% share in the global cloud market.

Google Cloud, the Mountain View, Calif.-based company's cloud business, generated $9.6 billion in revenue in the first quarter of 2024, an impressive 28% year-over-year increase.

Google Cloud's annual uptime is now over $38 billion.

Google Cloud's operating income, which was in the red every year before 2023, was $900 million in the first quarter of 2024.

2nd place: Microsoft

Market share in Q1 2024: 25%

Market share in Q4 2023: 24%

Market share in Q1 2023: 23%

Microsoft continues to close its cloud market share gap to AWS as the software superstar looks to win gold instead of silver.

In the first quarter of 2024, Microsoft captured a record 25 percent share of the global cloud services market. This compared to a share of 23 percent in Q1 2023, an increase of 2 percentage points year-on-year. The Redmond, Washington-based cloud and software giant ranks second in the global cloud services market. We've been in the cloud market for nearly a decade.

Microsoft's intelligent cloud business generated $26.7 billion in revenue in the first quarter. This means that Microsoft's cloud group's annualized rate is his $107 billion.

No.1: Amazon Web Services

Market share in Q1 2024: 31%

Market share in Q4 2023: 31%

Market share in Q1 2023: 32%

AWS is once again the leader in global market share for cloud computing, with a 31% share of the global market in Q1 2024.

The Seattle-based cloud giant has been the world's cloud leader since Amazon pioneered the cloud industry more than a decade ago. But Google and Microsoft have been following AWS's lead for the past two years. Specifically, Microsoft gained 2 percentage points in market share over the past year, while AWS's share declined by 1 percentage point to 31%.

AWS reported total revenue of $25 billion in Q1 2024, representing 17% year-over-year revenue growth. Amazon's cloud business currently boasts a record $100 billion operating rate.

Other top cloud market leaders

IBM market share in Q1 2024: 2%

Oracle market share in Q1 2024: 2%

Tencent market share in Q1 2024: 2%

Huawei's market share in Q1 2024: 2%

Before 2020, IBM was among the top five global cloud market share leaders. However, IBM's share has been consistently declining in recent years, and in the first quarter of 2024 it had a 2% share.

Oracle is joining forces with Chinese tech giants Huawei and Tencent to compete in fierce cloud competition. All three companies captured approximately 2% share of the global cloud services market in the first quarter of 2024.

Other companies that gained around 1% market share in Q1 2024 include Baidu, China Telecom, China Unicom, Fujitsu, NTT, Snowflake, SAP, Rackspace, and VMware.




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