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National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and partners celebrate Youth Apprenticeship Week to expand opportunities in semiconductor and advanced manufacturing

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and partners celebrate Youth Apprenticeship Week to expand opportunities in semiconductor and advanced manufacturing


HANOVER, Md. , May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The National Institute for Innovation and Technology, a national leader in semiconductor talent pipeline development, and the U.S. Department of Labor's (USDOL) national intermediary agency, Registered Apprenticeship Program Responsible for establishing and expanding the (RA). The semiconductor and nanotechnology industry supply chain is proud to join key partners in commemorating the inaugural Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW).

Approved by the U.S. Department of Labor, this week-long event aims to build a skilled workforce ready to tackle today's and tomorrow's challenges through the introduction of skills-based learning in K-12 education. Highlights the important role of apprenticeships in Model and the use of pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships as a pathway to rewarding careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.

“As a USDOL intermediary, our Institute works with strategic partners across the country to focus on skills-based learning in key industry sectors such as semiconductor manufacturing and connect America's workforce today with the needs of tomorrow. We're working to close the gap. Through partnerships with employers, academia, government, and mission-driven organizations, we're not just talking about change, but by establishing registered apprenticeships across the country. We are making change happen,” said Mike Russo, the institute's president and CEO.

“These programs are more than just a pathway; they are a commitment to preparing a diverse, skilled workforce ready to take on the jobs of tomorrow. ” This hands-on, hands-on approach is central to our mission, driving us to create a path that is as inclusive as it is innovative. I am. ”

The Institute's collaborative efforts span across a range of sectors and organizations, each playing a unique role in promoting registered apprenticeships and opportunities for young people.

ManpowerGroup (Manpower), the world's leading workforce solutions company, supports YAW and year-round expansion of the U.S. semiconductor talent pipeline, inspiring and providing pathways for future workers in the K-12 education system We are a dedicated partner of the Institute.

“Manpower is committed to helping our clients succeed in the changing world of work, and our partnership with the Institute will provide individuals with significant career development and provide employers with access to more skilled workers. We do that by providing a talent pool of strategic importance, given the importance of semiconductors and advanced manufacturing, with innovative initiatives that benefit employers, individuals and their families. “We are excited to work with the Institute to address the talent shortage in the industry and provide countless individuals with a path to pursue careers that previously seemed out of reach.” said Jonas Prising, CEO and Chief Executive Officer.

AeroStar provides leadership training and support through its education center to help raise awareness among K-12 students about opportunities to work in high-demand high-tech fields.

“I believe that labs are the 'missing link' and a key element in bridging the gap between school and work. Labs provide hands-on application of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). and what students need to make informed decisions about their futures and contributions to the American economy,” said Tamera Holmes, Aerostar Founder and Chairman of the Board.

Acutronic Group, a technology and team-building leader in aerospace, defense, transportation, and related industries, is a vocal advocate of the value of youth apprenticeships.

“Accutronic Group is committed to developing new and innovative youth apprenticeship opportunities. Based in Switzerland for over 50 years, Accutronic’s international business now holds key leadership positions across the company. We hope to achieve similar results in the United States by combining the best of the Swiss dual-track vocational model with the best of the American high school system. “With this, we aim to develop a new generation of talent that combines Swiss quality and precision with American innovation and entrepreneurship,” said Florian Eigrein, CEO of Accutronic Group. he said. “We have been working hard over the last few years to launch our new youth apprenticeship program and we hope to share more information in June 2024. Stay tuned for exciting updates as our talent pipeline continues to grow.”

As part of YAW, the institute will host a virtual accelerator on May 7, “Building Pathways: Transitioning to Apprenticeships in Semiconductors and Advanced Manufacturing,” to explore how to bridge the K-12 gap. Have an important discussion about how to fill it. 12 education systems and in-demand careers in semiconductor and advanced manufacturing through apprenticeships.

For more information about the Institute's Youth Apprenticeship Week activities and initiatives, visit

About the National Institute for Innovation and Technology The National Institute is a 501(c) research institute whose mission is to identify and ensure the elimination of barriers to innovation in strategic industry sectors that are critical to U.S. national security and global competitiveness. )(3) Certification body. The Institute is responsible for national strategies to support the development of the talent pipeline needed for the semiconductor industry, including advanced manufacturing and technology sectors.

The institute's National Talent Pipeline Development Initiative promotes skills-based learning and recruitment, connects it to the public education system, and returns military members, their families, and adults from other professions to related technical and engineering careers. , represents a comprehensive, nationally integrated approach that enables broader participation. . For more information about the Institute, please visit

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SOURCE National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology




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