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Unlocking technology security: Integrating AI and Zero Trust

Unlocking technology security: Integrating AI and Zero Trust


When it comes to technology security, the current era is defined by complexity and opportunity.

Unfortunately, confusion often accompanies ingenuity when it comes to innovation, and education, collaboration, and foresight are even more important to guide businesses toward a future where security is a collective effort, not just an aspiration. It will be.

[Companies are] David Linthicum (pictured, right), Principal Analyst at theCUBE Research, said: “They're pretty confused about security and what kind of partners they need to partner with to make their security features work. I'm trying to figure it out.” Businesses are looking for tools to pave the way. I don't think they exist, but they want it to exist.

Linthicum spoke with Dave Vellante (left), chief analyst at theCUBE Research, at the RSA Conference during an exclusive broadcast on SiliconANGLE Media's livestreaming studio, theCUBE. They discussed the future of innovation, especially with regard to technology security and the role that artificial intelligence will have to play. (*Disclosure below.)

Dave Vellante speaks about innovation and technology security with RSAC.

Combining AI and Zero Trust in Technology Security

There is an insatiable appetite for security solutions. Unfortunately, confusion often impedes innovation progress. Amidst the cacophony of conversations and inquiries, the prevailing sentiment is a mixture of anxiety and desire.

Linthicum says you can't introduce something like this into a ubiquitous environment. There, you're paying for different security systems. The complexity of security solutions out there will reach unmanageable levels.

Data collected from a recent Enterprise Technology Research survey underscores this sentiment. AI and zero trust emerge as his two pillars of curiosity and promise. The desire to innovate is clear, but the path to adoption is fraught with educational hurdles.

When I start talking about the unique needs of AI, I think deep down they understand that it's different, Linthicum said. Maybe they haven't thought enough about how to make it work or how to make it play. I think that's the current deficit.

Defender vs. Adversary in the Age of AI

A central theme emerged. It is a relentless march toward a future dominated by machine intelligence. Elon Musk's prophetic vision of a world where his 99% of intelligence is driven by machines serves as a harbinger of a paradigm shift. TheCUBE analysts noted that in this new era, the age-old power dynamic of defender versus adversary is undergoing a transformation as AI-powered entities engage in a constant dance of strategy and counterstrategy.

It basically takes the defender-adversary dynamic that exists today and puts it into a machine and introduces AI, Bellante said. It's smart enough to build resource access control capabilities for today's environments, but it can be attacked by other AIs that are smarter than it, and the AI ​​keeps getting better and better.

Stakeholders must take proactive measures to address looming cyber-physical threats before they become catastrophic. According to Linthicum, foresight and vigilance are essential, highlighting the need for innovative solutions and collaborative efforts to protect critical infrastructure in an era defined by hyperintelligence.

My challenges for security personnel [is] He said if we do this proactively and implement it now, we will end up with a less enjoyable event.

Below is the full video interview that is part of SiliconANGLEs and CUBE Researchs' coverage of the RSA conference.

(*Disclosure: TheCUBE is a paid media partner of RSA Conference. Neither RSA Conference, the sponsor of theCUBE's event coverage, nor any other sponsor has editorial control over content on theCUBE or SiliconANGLE.)

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