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TitletownTech and UWM leaders say Microsoft's new AI co-innovation lab will elevate Wisconsin as a technology leader

TitletownTech and UWM leaders say Microsoft's new AI co-innovation lab will elevate Wisconsin as a technology leader


The $3.3 billion data center campus in Mount Pleasant isn't the only investment Microsoft is making in Wisconsin. In addition to expanding its physical presence, Microsoft is investing in several education-focused initiatives that business leaders say will solidify its position as a leader in the technology industry. claims that it is possible. One of those initiatives is the AI ​​Collaborative Innovation Lab, which will be located within the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Connected Systems Institute. “This could be a destination for (entrepreneurs) to come and incubate their ideas,” said Joe Hamman, executive director of UWM's Connected Systems Institute.

Joe Hamman

Launched in 2017, the Connected Systems Institute brings together UWM faculty, student researchers, and industry members to develop advanced manufacturing processes using testbed production lines located in an 11,000-square-foot facility on the UWM campus. I am. Microsoft's Co-Innovation Labs provide companies with space to build, develop, prototype, and test AI-centric solutions. Each company's engineering team works directly with Microsoft experts in AI and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. UWM and Microsoft have a long-standing relationship. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella was a graduate student in UWM's electrical engineering program. He graduated in his 1990 year. His Connected Systems Institute at the school was also created through partnerships with Microsoft, WEDC and Milwaukee-based manufacturer Rockwell Automation. CSI's existing infrastructure made it a top choice for his next AI collaborative innovation lab at Microsoft, but Wisconsin's manufacturing expertise also played a key role in the decision. “This really puts him above UWM,” Hamann said. “It's about looking at things from a macro perspective. The Midwest is dense with manufacturing companies. Part of the concept for these AI co-innovation labs is to create a space where industry can come and learn and experience (the technology). This will be Microsoft's first collaborative innovation lab focused on the manufacturing industry. It is also the first laboratory to be located on a university campus. The lab hosts more than 60 unique industry visits each year. “We have the opportunity to help literally hundreds of manufacturing companies come on board and design new AI-based systems that will ensure Wisconsin manufacturing remains at the forefront of global competitiveness. ” said Vice Chairman Brad Smith. “We're bringing in professors who seek to more closely connect their research interests with industry, giving more students a hands-on, experiential experience,” said Hamann, the Microsoft president. It provides an opportunity to participate in learning.” The lab assists companies in everything from early-stage testing and design evaluation that can be performed in one day, to more intensive programs that can last from three to six weeks. A problem that CSI has helped manufacturers solve in the past is quality variation. To solve this problem, Hamann said, a graduate student built his own vision system to take photos of both good and bad products and trained the technique on his AI. , which automatically eliminates poor quality materials. “We're not just using technology for technology's sake; we're using technology to address known business problems,” Hamann said. Renovations to the space are expected to begin within the next 120 days, adding an additional 1,000 square feet of space to CSI and creating a new experience center where manufacturers can see the technology first-hand. Microsoft's plans for a new AI collaborative innovation lab also build on existing partnerships with both leaders of the Green Bay Packers and Green Bay-based venture capital firm TitletownTech. He TitletownTech, a Green Bay-based venture capital firm, announced it will open a branch in Milwaukee. New AI Co-Innovation Lab space.

Craig Dickman, Managing Director, TitletownTech.

Craig Dickman, managing partner at TitletownTech, said it makes sense to blend the state's manufacturing capabilities with the ongoing artificial intelligence boom while leveraging existing partnerships. “When we launched his TitletownTech, manufacturing was part of the focus from the beginning,” Dickman says. “We knew Wisconsin was a special place when it came to manufacturing.” About the opening of his second office in Titletown Tech, as Microsoft announced initial plans for its Mount Pleasant data center last March. The discussion has begun. All three organizations considered how best to leverage Microsoft's investment. Microsoft's latest $3.3 billion investment, made public earlier this week, reveals the need for TitletownTech to expand its physical presence. “We've always been active throughout the state and throughout the upper Midwest,” said Jill Enos, managing partner of TitletownTech. “This just gives us a central point to actually raise a beacon and let people know that this is where the activity is happening.”

Jill Enos, managing partner at TitletownTech, said:

TitletownTech will have two people working in its AI Co-Innovation Lab. They serve as an extension of Green Bay's team. Microsoft will have three full-time and two part-time employees working in the lab. “What makes (the institute) so unique is its disciplinary focus,” Dickman said. “I also think it's a unique opportunity to be on a college campus. Add to that what Microsoft can do with AI innovation, and that makes Microsoft a world-first business.” Enos said TitletownTech already has The company says it has received inquiries from interested companies, ranging from established companies to startups. A final opening date for the lab has not been determined, but TitletownTech plans to be active in the Milwaukee market within the next month. That means having people in place to help move your lab from concept to reality. “Now that the vision is covered in this announcement, I think the next steps will be to get the details right,” Dickman said. The creation of the AI ​​Co-Innovation Lab positions Wisconsin as a leader in the technology and manufacturing ecosystem and has the potential to attract talent from the coast, Dickman said. “If you're an early-stage entrepreneur, you want to be at the center of gravity,” he said. “I think it really comes from this unique partnership.




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