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Which Kindle Should You Choose for Amazon Prime Day?

Which Kindle Should You Choose for Amazon Prime Day?


Kindle Paperwhite – Now with Color Adjustable Lighting!


Amazon has kicked off its two-day Prime Day sales event, and as expected, there are bargains on Amazon's smart devices. For those looking for a Kindle e-reader, this is a great opportunity to pick up a great device at a great price.

The Kindle has been the leader in e-readers since its launch. Though it wasn't the first e-reader, it brought the technology to the masses, to the point where it has essentially become synonymous with the entire product line (like a Band-Aid).

There's good reason why Kindle e-readers remain popular: they're easy to use, have the best feature set in their category, and provide an experience that's on par with or better than reading a physical book. The hardware is also updated almost annually, so the device offering is constantly improving.

But with so many Kindles on sale, how do you decide which one to buy? Do you just buy the cheapest one? You could do that, but you might miss out on features that are important to you. Do you pick the most expensive one? Sure, but you might end up wasting money on things you don't need.

Let's break down the differences between the Amazon Kindle e-readers on sale for Prime Day.

Amazon Kindle

Amazon Kindle


With a 6″ screen and 300 ppi high-resolution, glare-free display, the standard Kindle eReader has a fantastic screen that's easy on the eyes. There are four user-adjustable front-facing LEDs, so you can turn the screen brightness up or down as needed. It's the same size as a paperback but less than half an inch thick, making it much easier to carry around than a deckle-edged collection of COTR novels. At under $90, with 15% off on Prime Day, it's a great deal.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite


So what's so great about the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite? Is it worth the extra $50? At $134, that's 10% off, it's not as good a deal as the standard Kindle. But if you love reading at the beach or poolside, the Paperwhite has some advantages the regular Kindle doesn't have: It's waterproof! And with a 6.8-inch screen and 17 LEDs, it's easy on the eyes (so you have more control over lighting levels). The Paperwhite can adjust the screen temperature to be warmer in low light, so blue light doesn't mess with your sleep cycle.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Signature

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Signature


Of course, all of these devices lose out to the Paperwhite Signature Edition, which adds an auto-adjusting LED. Once you experience it, it's hard to use an e-reader without it. It also adds wireless charging in addition to standard USB-C charging, and doubles the storage capacity to 32GB. The problem is that Amazon barely discounted the Signature Edition on Prime Day, only dropping it by $10, a mere 5%. The Signature Edition is undoubtedly a premium e-reader, but it's hard to justify the $45 premium over the Paperwhite, much less the $67 difference over the original Kindle.

Amazon Kindle Scribe

Amazon Kindle Scribe


Then there's the Kindle Scribe, an e-reader and digital notebook (very similar to my favorite, the reMarkable 2). It's discounted by a massive 34% during Prime Days, bringing the total price to $234. It lets you take handwritten notes or mark things up with the included pen, and it has a huge 10.2-inch display, a big battery that lasts a month, and 35 LEDs. If you want the biggest display and the most functional versatility, this Kindle is for you. The only problem is that the device itself is pretty big. Even though it's thin, this isn't the kind of Kindle you'd want to slip in your bag for the beach.

Trade-in for extra discount

Amazon's Prime Day Kindle deals offer a bit of variety, but what if you could run your own sale?

Every Kindle page has a trade-in link that gives you quick access to all eligible Amazon smart devices. Even if it's that forgotten Fire Stick you've had tucked away in a drawer, you can get 20% off your new device, plus a trade-in credit depending on the type of device you send in. It's a great way to avoid all the Prime Day fanfare and get straight to the best Kindle deals on the site. Even better, the 20% trade-in discount overlaps with Prime Day deals.

The only caveat is that this deal is limited to four times per year, and one per quarter. The good news is that it's the beginning of Q3, so unless you traded in your device at the beginning of July, you should be good to go.

Which one should you choose?

For me, the Kindle Paperwhite offers the best balance of value and features: Its larger screen, waterproofing, added LEDs, and warm lighting make it perfect for reading. Plus, the Paperwhite's display is flush with the body of the device, making it smooth to navigate with your fingers.

That said, if you're just looking for a cheap e-reader, the standard Amazon Kindle offers a great experience, and at just $84, it's a great deal.

Whatever you choose, you'd better act fast, as Prime Day sales end at midnight on July 17th.




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