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iPhone SE 3 release date, price, specs, leaks


The iPhone SE 3 has a high bar to clear. The iPhone SE (2020) offered the same powerful A13 Bionic chip in a compact body for just $ 399. Despite some weaknesses, the phone was totally incredibly worth it.

Some Apple watchers are hoping the company will release the iPhone SE 3 this spring, but the release date is in the air. However, I’ve heard of some improvements from early leaks, such as design and specs.

The iPhone 12 mini struggle suggests that the desire for premium mini phones may be limited. However, the iPhone SE 3 requires powerful and valuable components that cannot be ignored. This is what we have ever known.

iPhone SE 3 Name: SE3 or SEPlus?

(Image credit: Future)

I’ve heard about the iPhone SE Plus, which may or may not be the same as the iPhone SE 3, but rumors that it’s a larger, more affordable iPhone and it’s hard to tell if it’s actually the iPhone SE 3. there is.

For now, we don’t know. Apple has the potential to release two new models, a smaller version and a larger version. Both mobile phones target the affordable midrange market. Now, we have to wait for more leaks in Apple’s plans.

iPhone SE 3 release date

This is where things get a little vague. Obviously, the iPhone SE 3 will be released in April this year, but previous leaks raise questions about this. Display supply chain consultant Ross Young dates back to October, saying Apple has no plans to release a follow-up to the iPhone SE (2020) until 2022.

Meanwhile, Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo talked to 9to5Mac and suggested that the iPhone SE 3 be released in late 2021. Apple seems to be very happy with the sale of the SE (2020) so far, and follow-up is expected soon. I hope it isn’t.

However, according to the Japanese blog MacOtakara, the iPhone SE 3 will arrive in April 2021, according to a Chinese supplier.

Price of iPhone SE 3

(Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

I don’t know anything about the price of the iPhone SE 3s so far, but I think Apple is still aiming for a price of $ 399. It would be foolish for Apple to support its price-to-performance ratio, which makes SE (2020) so attractive to many.

If you have an iPhone SE 3 Plus or iPhone SE Plus with a larger display, you’ll find that the phone costs $ 499. But then it has to replace the iPhone XR. The iPhoneXR is one of the best iPhones for a price of $ 499.

iPhone SE 3 specifications

(Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

The iPhone SE (2020) was packed with some strict specifications, considering the price that cannot be compared with Android smartphones. The A13 Bionic is still a great chip, but I think Apple will use the new A14 Bionic for the iPhone SE 3. This is the same 5nm processor found in the iPhone 12 series.

Screen size and resolution remain unknown for the time being, but rumors suggest either a 5.5-inch or 6.1-inch display.

The current storage options for iPhone SE are 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB. The iPhone SE 3 will probably stick to the same option, but Apple can save money by not including a charger, so the basic option can be 128GB. This trend started with the iPhone 12, but it never goes away.

iPhone SE 3 design

(Image credit: 4RMD / YouTube)

The iPhone SE (2020) used the exact same body as the iPhone 8. This was an effective cost-cutting measure, even though the phone’s design looked terribly outdated by today’s standards.

On YouTube, concept designer 4RMD has released a video showing the possible rendering of the iPhone SE 3. This shows a phone similar to the iPhone XR without a notch. Instead, there’s a Touch ID sensor on the bottom bezel. Everything looks more sophisticated and modern, including the dual camera system on the back.

There are rumors that Apple may have a Touch ID sensor on the power button of the new iPhone SE, as well as the new iPad Air.

iPhone SE 3 camera

(Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

The iPhone SE 2020 can take great-looking photos thanks to Apple’s calculated photos, but it has only one lens. I want Apple to add a super wide-angle lens for the iPhone SE3.

Apple also needs to offer Night Mode on the iPhone SE 3 to be more competitive with the Google Pixel 4a. The current selfie shooter is stuck at 7MP, so the front camera can also use the iPhone SE 3 upgrade.

iPhone SE 3 battery and charging

A notable weakness of the iPhone SE (2020) was battery life. It couldn’t match the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro on our best phone battery life list. In the Tom’s Guide battery life test, the iPhone SE (2020) managed 9 hours and 18 minutes.

However, this runtime outperformed the Pixel 4a, which lasted only 8:55. The iPhone SE 3 is expected to have a larger battery, but has not yet been confirmed.

iPhone SE 3: What We Want to See

Like the iPhone SE (2020), we hope to see some improvements for its successor.

(Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

5G: Now that other phone makers are releasing 5G phones for less than $ 500, and even less than $ 400, it’s time for Apple to do the same for phones on that budget. 5G networks are still in place, but shoppers deserve a future-proof connection.

OLED display and high resolution: The LCD on the iPhone SE (2020) is fine, but I want to see a better OLED display on the iPhone SE 3. This means more punchy colors and deeper blacks, which improves contrast. Water also wants to see an increase in resolution. The pixel density of the iPhone SE (2020) is not that high even at 1334 x 750.

Improved battery life: As mentioned above, the battery life of iPhone SE (2020) is fine. It hasn’t reached the 10-hour average you want to see in a battery test, but you can spend the day with mild to moderate use. For the iPhone SE 3, Apple expects to use a larger battery.

(Image credit: Tom’s Guide)

Other Cameras and Night Mode: iPhone SE (2020) uses a single 12MP wide-angle camera. It produces decent photos, but in some cases Apple lags behind the Pixel 4a. If a camera is added to the iPhone SE 3, it is expected to be an ultra-wide sensor like the one found on the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12. SE (2020) does not have a night mode, so a night mode is also required.

Slimmer bezel: The iPhone 8 was a great device at the time, but it was before the radical redesign that came with the iPhone X. As phones use slimmer and slimmer bezels, the iPhone 8’s body begins to look old and outdated. We hope Apple will update the design of the iPhone SE 3 to make it look more modern. Other affordable phones like the Pixel 4a really look great when compared.

Best Apple iPhone SE (2020) Deals Today

Unlimited minutes

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5GB data

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5GB data

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100GB data

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