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Wallace State Computer Science Program Awards New Google IT Support Professional Certification



The Computer Science Program at Wallace State Community College, Hansville, Alabama was honored with a recently created Google IT Support Professional Certificate.

With a grant from Jobs for the Future (JFF), Wallace State University students specialize in preparing for entry-level jobs in information technology support, one of the fastest growing jobs in the United States. You can now get an online certificate for.

According to a recently released update from JFF, Wallace Certificate graduates make up 1,175 successful students at 105 community colleges in 20 states over a two-year period. 52% of those who complete the program are between the ages of 24 and 45, including 23% who have never taken online classes. Eighty-five percent of completers said the certificate had a positive impact, and 23% said the certificate helped them find employment or promotion in their current job.

In addition to earning an associate degree in cyber injection network technology, Joshua Apodaca received a Google IT Support Professional certification in Wallace in December. Apodaka is currently employed as an operational engineer for Mazda Toyota Manufacturing in Huntsville.

It’s a great program and I’m grateful that the instructor encouraged me to complete it. Once you have a degree, one of your goals is to move to the IT department of Mazda Toyota. We hope that having a Google IT certificate on your resume will give you a lot of insight and a competitive advantage.

The five courses required for certificates cover key IT components such as troubleshooting, customer service, networking, systems management, security, and operating systems. The course is hosted by the Qwiklabs online learning platform.

The Google program is a great opportunity for learners interested in information technology. Gregory Knight, an instructor at Wallace State Computer Science, said it provides a good foundation and builds the skills needed to perform high-demand, high-paying jobs. You can include courses in your full degree plan or students can complete those specific classes.

Through JFF grants, IT Support Professional Certificates are available to students at community colleges in 16 states, including Wallace. According to Burning Glass Data in 2018, there are 215,000 blank IT support jobs in the United States, and the median wages for computer user specialists are $ 54,760, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Kathy Mannes, Vice President of JFF, said: The Google IT Certificate Program represents a new approach to workforce development, with curriculum created by prominent employers provided by universities to help expand and diversify our talent pipeline. At the same time, the program has enabled community colleges to meet the economic development and workforce needs of local communities.

We were thrilled that this work contributed to this area, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the university supported the needs of the community and better coordinated high-demand programs with the local labor market. ..

For more information on registering for a Google IT Support Professional Certificate at Wallace State, please contact Knight (256-352-8158) or email ([email protected]).

For more information on Wallace, please visit

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