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From beach balls, San Andreas and Cascadia – Times-Standard


I realized the unusual tectonics of California’s north coast in 1968, my final year at Berkeley. It was my first seismology class, and the topic was pivotal mechanisms. The professor has just published research using focal mechanisms to study the earthquakes of Northern California.

We named them beach balls for their round shape and pattern of light and dark areas. Focal mechanisms have Berkeley roots going back to Berry Burley, the first director of the Berkeley Seismological Stations. It’s a simple idea, but its explanation is complicated. When a fault ruptures, seismic waves are pushed in the direction that the fault is moving the rock towards and they are pulled in the direction that the slip is moving the rock away from it.

As seismology students, we spent hours searching paper records to determine whether the first motion was a push (up) or a pull (down). We’ve made charts to show which quadrants the bug has slid into and away from. From the final product, we can tell if earthquake slip is horizontal as in slip motion, compression (push), or stretching (normal).

why does it matter? Fault movements are a window into regional tectonics. We obtained a draft from the North Coast paper (Bolt et al. BSSA Bulletin Vol. 58, 1968) as an illustration. The summary figure showed northwest-directed strike slip faults in the San Andreas fault system, east-west slip motion along the Mendocino fault and normal (extension) faults on the Gorda Range.

By 1968, plate tectonics was accepted, and Bolt’s paper used pivot mechanisms to place earthquakes in this new framework. But not all results fit easily into this model. The earthquakes were not only concentrated along plate boundaries. Several earthquakes in the North Coast were within the Gorda Plate as well.

In its simplest form, the plate tectonic model says that the deformation (faults and earthquakes) is concentrated along the boundaries of the plates and the interior of the plates is free of deformation. But the Gorda Plate off the coast of Humboldt and Del Norte counties was riddled with earthquakes.

Bolt and his colleagues suggested an explanation. These internal earthquakes were slippery, and at first glance, beach balls looked identical to the earthquakes in the San Andreas system. It was an easy jump to suggest that San Andreas was in the process of penetrating the Gorda Plate fabric and eventually would penetrate and connect to fault systems in the north.

My seismology class in 1968 accepted this interpretation without questions. After ten years as a new lecturer at Humboldt State College, he was still the foundation of my understanding. Soon, Bob Macpherson corrected me. Bob, a recent graduate of Humboldt Geology, ran the Tera Corporation earthquake network as part of a study at the PG&E nuclear facility at King Salmon. He will continue to write Tera’s data as his first master’s student.

The authors of a 1968 paper failed to consider an elementary property of coordination mechanisms. Beach balls tell you what kind of error it is. Non-science majors in earthquake country general education classes can easily distinguish slip errors, normal errors, and thrust errors. But there are always two possible directions of error. It’s called the double pair mechanism. Bolt and colleagues chose the plane that faults between the northwest and southeast, the same plane as the San Andreas earthquakes. But all of these earthquakes could have been caused by a fault oriented 90 degrees to the northeast and southwest, and MacPherson and the Terra crew were convinced that this was the case.

Bolt was persuaded on November 8, 1980, when the M7.2 earthquake off the coast of Trinidad struck an 85-mile fault in the Gorda Plate. The focal mechanism showed the sliding action of the strike either to the northwest or southeast. How do you define the difference? The 7.2 earthquake was followed by many aftershocks. The aftershocks were centered along the causative fault and the 1980 sequence showed a clear southward trend.

More extensive examinations of historical earthquakes in the North Coast showed that this was the rule rather than the exception and explained the San Andreas “breakthrough” hypothesis. Seismologists will need to look elsewhere to explain the mystery of the Gorda Plate earthquakes.

This is my roundabout way to where I finished my column last week. How do paintings die? The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) from northern California to southern British Columbia is the last point of a converging margin that once extended along the entire coast of North America and South America. It is a good place to study this question.

For more than 100 million years, the subduction zone consumed the ancient Farallon plate. It is likely that the ridge system that produced Farallon was very similar to the present-day Mid-Atlantic mountain range, as it was winding with plenty of grades. About 30 million years ago, one of those steps contacted the subduction zone around the Los Angeles Basin site. To the north and south, the subduction continued and more and more ridges hit the subduction zone. The San Andreas Transform was born from this connection and grew longer as it swallowed more and more hills.

Today, the Juan de Fuca plate system is all that remains of the Farallon along the American and Canadian coasts and every year the remaining hills move closer to the coast. In 15 million years or so, the blink of an eye in geological terms, the last bit will be gone. And what happens next? The San Andreas River will grow until it eventually connects to the Queen Charlotte Fault System off the coast of British Columbia and southeast Alaska. In a way, Bolt was right in the end result. San Andreas will dominate in the long run, not in the way they had imagined.

In the meantime, how much of a kick does the Cascadia subduction zone still hold? On the human time scale, a lot. Preparedness is the key. A recent research focus can help and this means a more targeted regional approach to risk. Not all parts of the Cascadia margin are created equal. Looks like a topic for next week.

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