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Devastating earthquake build update for “New Horizon”


Destroyers have seen a lot of love in the past few patches of Outriders, from general mods to energy production to quality of life improvements to a number of skills.

With the massive rebalancing that the “New Horizon” update brings, players can expect to find some fun new ways to play all four of the game’s classes, and the Devastator is no exception. Here’s a new seismic-focused transmission structure that’s great for climbing CT stairs in expedition mode.

Legendary gear set, skills and mods

As Earthquake will be the primary ability for this build, players must equip three pieces of Seismic Commander’s set of powerful earthquake mods included and an idle set that boosts all damage dealt to bleeding targets by 50%.

Take Impale as a secondary skill. This ability can deal massive damage to a single target with the Seismic Commander and Rivers of Blood mod combination, making it great against elites and bosses. For the third skill, use either the Gravity Leap to move or the vibrations for continuous healing and damage.

Seismic leader legs, gloves, and foot tools are highly recommended in cases of contaminated blood, second earthquake, ground smash, and thunder mods. For the other two pieces of armor, use anything that boosts the strength of the anomaly and reduces the cooldown.

For the rest of the mods, keep an eye out for the following:

Bloody Shock Extra Earthquake / Untamed Earth Legacy Rivers of Impaler Blood Brawl

This setup will allow 3 earthquake casts each time the ability runs out of cooldown as well as a powerful short-range blast of anomaly damage after each unbridled force cast. Blood Shock will allow each Earthquake team to apply Bleed to every enemy strike, but for those who want a clear extra edge, get Earth’s Legacy for extra range instead.

The Impaler will allow a second use of the Impale against a difficult target, and will likely explode immediately when used in melee range thanks to the damage buffs accumulated from the mods. Modern buffs have also increased healing potential, which makes this tool extremely reliable for survival.

Finally, cover the design with Brawl. Although this mode is not strictly necessary, it can be very useful for killing weak enemies while the abilities are slowing down.

Weapons and Class Tree

Under the seismic shifter tree, take the following:

Anomaly Lead Anomaly Shielded Anomaly Blood Donation Legacy of the Earth Anomaly Strong Arm

Take knots that give Resistance Pierce, Cooldown Reduction, and extra damage to bleeding targets.

For weapons, the death shield or funeral pyre with Fortress and Shadow Comet is the most ideal choice. However, those without any weapon can opt for The Bulwark, which comes with Ultimate Bleeding Bullets.

Any weapon that can apply Bleed and deal blast damage can also be used.

The legendary Bulwark rifle from Outriders





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