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Kaikoura Highway will be completed this year


The Reconstruction Building Alliance said the Kaikoura Highway is on track to be completed by the end of the year.

The road was severely damaged in the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in November 2016, and there are 12 regions between Clarence (North Kaikōura) and Oro (South Kaikōura) that remain low to one lane.

Business was suspended for a month during the shutdown, but resumed under Alert Level 3.

Project manager Will Doherty said, despite the delay, they are still on track to meet their original project deadline.

“We are very much returning to where we were before, having about 450 employees on site at the moment.

“It is clear that we are only looking at what is the impact on the program and comprehensive projects in this, but indications indicate that we are still on the right track to complete the physical work by the end of this year.”

He said that safety monitors were in place to implement Covid-19 safety measures, which included checking temperature for anyone entering and exiting from a work site, temporary village, and social exclusion.

There are still more than 100 employees residing in the makeshift village of workers that contains 300 rooms, a large kitchen, and an entertainment area.

Doherty said that the village had been tendered in early 2019, but that additional work had been added to the Kaikōura rebuilding to remain in place until the end of the year.

Kaikoura Mayor Craig Macle, whose Harmac Concrete company provided reconstruction work, was pleased with how the highway reconstruction was progressing.

“I had never really appreciated its size, although we have been seeing it from childhood to what it is now, until I passed it in the helicopter at a 45-degree angle, and it surprised me.

“It was a tremendous, enormous achievement, to get where they are today.”

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