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Scientists have discovered an ancient earthquake with the power of the largest earthquake ever recorded

Scientists have discovered an ancient earthquake with the power of the largest earthquake ever recorded


A collapsed stone structure at the Zapatero site (photo by Gabriel Easton)

3,800 years ago, the coast of the Atacama Desert was home to hunter-gatherer communities. Excavations at archaeological sites found stone buildings destroyed by waves, lying under tsunami deposits. Some of the walls had collapsed towards the sea, likely from the strong currents of the reverse event of the tsunami.

“The locals were left there with nothing,” Professor Goff said. “Our archaeological work found that massive social disruption ensued as communities moved inland out of reach of the tsunami. It was more than 1,000 years before people returned to live on the coast again which is an astonishing amount of time given their dependence on the sea for food. It is likely that the traditions Handed down from generation to generation has fostered this resilient behaviour, although we won’t know for sure. This is the oldest example we have found in the Southern Hemisphere where an earthquake and tsunami had a disastrous impact on people’s lives, and there is a lot to learn from this.”

Before this study began, Professor Goff was investigating a site in New Zealand on Chatham Island that involved a large number of boulders, some the size of cars, thrown hundreds of meters inland. These rocks are from about the same time period as the earthquake in northern Chile.

Dr. Darren King, Newa, New Zealand at the Chatham Island study site

Coincidentally, a week later, he was asked to join Professor Salazar’s team to study sites in northern Chile that have now provided the answer.

“We said in New Zealand that you could just move those rocks by a tsunami from northern Chile, and you’d need something like a 9.5 magnitude earthquake to generate them. We’ve found them now,” he said.

The researchers believe that their findings provide a deeper time context that is crucial to understanding earthquake and tsunami risks in the Pacific region, and how severe the effects will be the next time such a massive earthquake occurs.

“While this had a huge impact on the people of Chile, the South Pacific islands were uninhabited when they were hit by a tsunami 3800 years ago. But they are all very crowded now, and many of them are popular tourist destinations, so next time something like this happens, The consequences could be dire unless we learn from these findings.” Professor Goff concluded.

Mejilones Peninsula. Tsunami deposits visible in the lower trench coast of the Atacama Desert. A rugged, rocky coast backed by steep cliffs




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