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Yucaipa OKs Bases for Over 400 Homes by Crafton Hills College – Redlands Daily Facts

Yucaipa OKs Bases for Over 400 Homes by Crafton Hills College – Redlands Daily Facts


Plans are moving forward to build more than 400 housing units at a seismic fault site south of Crafton Hills College in Yucaipa.

On Monday, May 23, Yucaipa City Council gave initial approval to guidelines for the 50-acre College Village Overlay area located between Yucaipa Boulevard and Sand Canyon Road.

The guidelines allow for 240,000 square feet of commercial development, 396 attached housing units from bungalow-style units to high-density apartments, and 22 single-family homes for the property, although exact plans for the site for commercial use have yet to be worked out.

An artist’s rendering of what the College Village project in Yucaipa could look like. (Courtesy of Yucaipa City)

Looking east from 16th Street along Yucaipa Street where The College Village site will be built south and west of Sand Canyon Road, north of Yucaipa Street and along 16th Street, two seismic faults run through the site in Yucaipa on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. (Photo by Terry Pearson, The Press-Enterprise / SCNG)

The College Village site is located south and west of Sand Canyon Road, right north of Yucaipa Street and along 16th St. Enterprise / SCNG)

The College Village site is located south and west of Sand Canyon Road, right north of Yucaipa Street and along 16th St. Enterprise / SCNG)

The College Village site is located south and west of Sand Canyon Road, north of Yucaipa Street to 16th St. )

Efforts to create the guidelines began in 2013 when Yucaipa was awarded a college and city grant to make plans for the land. Most of the land use and development standards in the area have been taken out in the next several years, but were not previously approved because employees are still working with a property owner who wants more flexibility in the business, city planner Ben Matlock told the council on Monday. How is the site evolving?

Matlock said property owners can still build commercial properties, but the overlay will give them the flexibility to build condominiums as well.

The aforementioned property owner told city employees on Monday that “given some of the shifts in the retail market, stringent trading at such a large location may not be something that can be achieved,” Matlock said at the meeting.

Yucaipa City Council on Monday gave initial approval to guidelines for the College Village Overlay District, a plan that envisions building more than 400 housing units near Crafton Hills College. (Courtesy of Yucaipa City)

The guidelines are finally coming to approval as city employees work to see where to allow 2,866 housing units, 1,201 of which are for low- or very-low-income residents, as required by the state’s regional housing needs assessment.

“We are force fed, like all other cities and counties in California, the RNA numbers are unreal,” city manager Ray Casey told the council.

While condominiums are not required for construction, cities and counties must ensure that sufficient land is allocated for these uses in the event that property owners and/or developers wish to build housing.

“We wanted to make sure we were in a position to receive credit for these (College Village) plans because we had already put a lot of effort” into doing them, Matlock told the board.

The outdated draft guidelines have been amended so that 100 of the 396 potential site attachment units meet the low-income categories for RNA, according to the task force’s written report.

As per the guidelines, the document aims to create partnerships with the college and private property owners to facilitate the development process.

The document also notes “the existence of two active fault lines within the project area” that generally extend from northeast to southwest, and south across Yucaipa Street. About half of the site lies within the earthquake fault zone which has additional bases for development.

Cities and counties must demonstrate that buildings proposed in such areas will not be constructed via active faults. An early concept plan for the village generally follows this requirement, but the final site design must be based on the results of a report prepared by a licensed geologist, according to the guidelines.

Residential use is intended to provide housing opportunities for college students, veterans, and faculty.

“The new faculty, new teachers, new administrators, and administrative support staff, I believe, would all be included in the original College Village description, and would meet our district’s Low Income (RHNA) requirements, so I think all of this would be appropriate,” Casey said.

While none of the public spoke about the issue Monday night, councilman Greg Bock raised previous concerns voiced by neighbors.

Mayor David Avila said that with careful planning, neighbors’ concerns can be addressed, and added that he believes low-income people can also be housing for seniors.

Casey said before the vote that if the council did not agree to the guidelines, council members would have to tell employees where the 100 low-income housing units would go.

Final approval of the guidelines and the housing component required by the state will be presented to the Council at subsequent meetings.




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