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Florida communities commemorate the 13th anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti

Florida communities commemorate the 13th anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti


MIAMI — Groups of Haitians in South Florida held several events on January 12 to remember the 2010 Haiti earthquake that killed more than 300,000 people around the Haitian capital. Here are some pictures.

For more information on the 2010 Haiti earthquake, read the Haitien Times’ 10th anniversary special coverage and check out this infographic showing the disaster’s toll by the numbers.

Elected Haitian officials—North Miami Mayor Alex Dessoleme, Florida House Rep. Mary Woodson, Florida House Representative Dottie Joseph, Miami Gardens City Councilwoman Linda Julien and others carry the Haitian flag in a procession for the Toussaint statue at the Little Haiti Cultural Center in January. 12, 2023, on the anniversary of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. (Ashley Mizznazzi / Haitien Times) While walking on the anniversary of the 2010 earthquake, a woman wipes away a tear. (Ashley Mizznazzi/Haitien Times) A ​​group walks in a procession organized by the Family Action Network (FANM) to remember the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. (Ashley Miznazzi/Haitian Times) Merho C. Valsin holds her grandchildren’s shoulders as she listens to the memorial service for the victims of the 2010 Haiti earthquake. (Ashly Miznazzi/Haitian Times) Miami-Dade County Sheriff Daniela Levin Cava salutes elected officials of Haitian descent Marlene Bastien and Mary Woodson During the commemoration ceremony for the Haiti earthquake. (Ashley Mizznazzi/Haitien Times) A ​​group walks in a procession organized by the Family Action Network (FANM) to remember the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. (Ashley Miznazzi/Haitien Times) Franzi Bernadine waves a flag at the front of a line of Haitians who march in solidarity with the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The group arrives at the cultural center. (Ashley Mizznazzi/Haitien Times) Leslie Clairville walks in memory of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. He lost his mother, two aunts, and three nephews and nieces. “I buried them one by one with my brother,” said Clairville. “I should be able to be at their graves today.” (Ashly Miznazzi/Haitien Times) Monsignor Jean-Fritz Bazin leads a prayer and observes a minute of silence at 4:53 p.m., the same time as the earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010. (Ashly Miznazzi/Haitien Times) A ​​group of elected leaders stand in front of the Toussaint statue In Little Haiti he shares stories about the 2010 earthquake, and today he acknowledges that Haiti is in a very difficult situation. (Ashley Mizznazzi/Haitien Times) A ​​wreath dedicated to the souls lost in the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. (Ashley Miznazzi / Haitien Times) Mayor of Miramar Wayne M. (Ashley Miznazzi/Haitien Times) Mary Woodson holds a program of commemoration for the lives lost in the 2010 Haiti earthquake at City Hall Plaza in Miramar on January 12. (Ashley Miznazzi/Haitien Times) The group bows their heads in prayer during a moment of silence for Haitian earthquake victims in Miramar City Plaza on January 12 (Ashley Miznazzi/Haitien Times) Arlande Antoine bows her head in prayer during a moment of silence for Haitian earthquake victims at Miramar City Plaza on January 12 (Ashley Miznazzi/Haitien Times) Porsha Edeste sings “Rise up” by Andrea Day At the Little Haiti Cultural Center on the anniversary of the 2010 Haiti earthquake on January 12 (Ashley Miznazi) Candles are lit at the Little Haiti Cultural Center on the anniversary of the 2010 Haiti earthquake on January 12 (Ashley Miznazi) A group walks in a procession organized by the Family Action Network (FANM) ) to remember the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. (Ashley Miznazzi/Haitien Times) Franzi Bernadine waves a flag at the front of a line of Haitians marching in solidarity with the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The group arrives at the cultural center. (Ashley Mizznazzi/Haitien Times) A ​​group walks in a procession organized by the Family Action Network (FANM) to remember the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. (Ashley Mizznazzi/Haitien Times) A ​​group walks in a procession organized by the Family Action Network (FANM) to remember the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. (Ashley Mizznazzi/Haitian Times)

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Ashley Miznazzi is a Legionnaire of America reporter covering the Haitian community in the South Florida/Miami area for the Haitian Times. Her work will largely involve photography, video and other multimedia storytelling. Previously, Ashley was a multimedia fellow at The Texas Tribune, reporting on DACA, Afghan resettlement, and the foster care system.

More from Ashley Mizznazzi




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