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Scientists have discovered a rift system in southeastern Nepal


A newly identified malfunction system in southeastern Nepal can cause earthquakes in a densely populated area, according to two scientists from the University of Alberta who were part of an international team that discovered.

“We discovered a series of errors at the foot of the Himalayas that had never been seen before,” said Yu from geologist John Waldron, who co-authored the study with graduate student Mike Duval.

And Aldron explained that the newly discovered errors show that the front of the tectonic movement in the mountain belt is 40 kilometers south of what scientists previously believed.

“Our research highlights the need to look beneath the surface of the Earth and to the fullest extent, to fully understand earthquakes and structures within the Himalayas,” said Duval, who oversaw his work on study and drones.

“This network of errors shows that deformation of the Himalayas reaches far beyond what we previously believed and provides a glimpse into the architecture and formation of nascent mountain ranges.”

The research team used seismic images – images that appear to be slides across a few kilometers of the Earth’s crust. These personal files were originally collected during oil exploration, by recording sound waves bouncing from sedimentary layers buried beneath the flood plain of the Ganga River, which carries a lot of eroded sediments from the Himalayas.

Data show that while southeastern Nepal is almost flat at the moment, the thrust from tectonic plate movement has already reached this area.

Aldron said that although no earthquake had been recorded in the area since the start of accurate scientific records about a century ago, the results of his research indicate the possibility of earthquakes.

He explained that “most of these errors do not slip except every thousand years or so.” “We discovered that much of this area has an almost horizontal error below it, which is likely to slip and cause a devastating earthquake.”

For more than 100 million years, the Indian subcontinent has been drifting north. In the past forty or fifty million years, the subcontinent has begun to collide with Asia, leading to the emergence of the Himalayas, the largest mountain range in the world. And Aldron noted that India is still slipping northward towards Asia at a rate of about two centimeters a year – as fast as your fingernails grow.

“Along the mountains in Nepal there are payment errors, which are forming as the Indian subcontinent is pushed under Asia,” he said. The movement is convulsive and produces earthquakes. Because this is a densely populated region of the world, these earthquakes can be disastrous. “

In 2015, a serious earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale, destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes, killing nearly 9,000 people and injuring more than 20,000. Although the newly identified errors are not in The city of Kathmandu, however, the southeastern part of Nepal is densely populated.

Among the research collaborators are Laurent Godin from Queen’s University and Jani Najm from Lancaster University.

The study, entitled “Proceedings of active strikes and external frontal slipping in the Himalayas basin,” was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

—With files from Sean Townsend

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