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She survived Turkey’s deadly earthquake, but after 4 months, finding hope is ‘hard’

She survived Turkey’s deadly earthquake, but after 4 months, finding hope is ‘hard’


It took 4 and a half days for Özlem Ayane to be released after a devastating earthquake left her trapped between her furniture and the concrete debris of her five-storey apartment building in Adiyaman, Turkey.

But three months later, she often still feels trapped and has barely left the hospital.

Sometimes, especially indoors, I feel like I can’t breathe, she said. There is a feeling of suffocation.

Ayna, 37, spoke with CBC News on May 10 near a hospital in Istanbul where she was receiving medical treatment for her injuries from the earthquake and the depression that followed.

The 45-minute visit was Ayna’s second time out of the hospital since February 10.

The first time was just a few days before her interview with CBC. She went to a store to buy clothes because she lost all her belongings in the earthquake but when she entered the small changing room she said she had a panic attack and left immediately.

It’s good that I was rescued from the rubble … but sometimes I get so overwhelmed. I feel indifferent, she said through her tears.

Few survivors

Ayna said she was one of three people rescued from the top three floors of her apartment building, which collapsed just after 4 a.m. on Feb. 6 during a 7.8-magnitude quake — the first to hit southeastern Turkey and Syria over six floors. hour period.

Authorities said more than 50,000 people were killed and three million displaced (new window) when buildings collapsed or were severely damaged.

Ayna told CBC she woke up to her room shattered around her and lay in rubble, shivering for four days without food and water until she heard rescuers searching for survivors.

After the crew realized she was alive under the rubble, they spent several hours trying to dig her out from under slabs of concrete. They were assisted by a 10-member search and rescue team from Burnaby, British Columbia (new window)

CBC News was on the scene of the rescue and reported directly (new window) about the risky operation. Among the twisted concrete rebar that covered the ground, the news crew noticed a pink heart-shaped box with Ozlem’s name written on it.

Ayna lies in a hospital bed in Diyarbakır, Turkey, on February 12. Her mother, Gülten Ayna, left and did not believe her daughter was alive until she saw her in the intensive care unit.

Photo: (Korin Semenoff/CBC)

It was used by survivor crews who were trying to rescue, but didn’t know her name yet.

When Ayna was finally released from the building, placed on a stretcher and put into a waiting ambulance, the rescue crew and the crowd that gathered to watch were jubilant.

Two days after her rescue, CBC interviewed Ayna at a (new window) hospital in Diyarbakir, Turkey – one of three she has been admitted to in recent months.

Multiple surgeries

At the time, doctors said her kidneys were damaged from being severely dehydrated, and if she had been locked up for a few more hours, she might not have worked.

She and her mother, Golten Aina, talked about how grateful they were that rescuers found her when they did.

Ayna had cuts and bruises, including cuts on her scalp, which required further medical attention.

After seeing a specialist in Istanbul, doctors realized the wounds were deeper than originally thought and underwent about a dozen surgeries and skin grafts.

When Ayna spoke with CBC News, she was wearing a pink baseball cap, which concealed the layers of bandages wrapped around her head.

watch | You find it hard to have hope:

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An earthquake survivor struggles to find hope

Ozlem Ayna has rarely left the hospital since she was rescued from the rubble of her collapsed apartment building in February.

She was seeing a psychiatrist and put on an antidepressant, but she said it was making her feel nauseous.

Sometimes I think I should have hope, but it’s very hard for me. Maybe if I start a new life somewhere, she said, it might be easier for me.

Ayna, who worked as a primary school teacher in the city of Addiman, has no plans to return there to live, but returned on May 14 to cast her vote in the country’s presidential and parliamentary elections.

Before making the trip, she told CBC she was apprehensive about going, but wanted to face the truth.

On the one hand, it is the city where I worked for nine years and have memories. At the same time, it’s the city where I’ve had the worst times of my life.

Despite her apparent shock, Ayna hopes that moving to a new city and starting teaching again in the fall will give her a fresh start.

As her visit with the CBC wraps up and she prepares to head back to the hospital for another appointment, the crew passes her a care package from Burnaby’s search and rescue team.

It included a photo of the crew in front of her apartment building immediately after the rescue and a message written in English and Turkish, partly indicating the team’s admiration for her strength and resilience and hope for a speedy recovery.

Briar Stewart (new window) · CBC News




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