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The Prime Minister and Speaker of Parliament responsible for not adopting the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Act

The Prime Minister and Speaker of Parliament responsible for not adopting the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Act


Zagreb, January 30, 2021 – Social Democratic Party leader Peta Djerbine said on Saturday that the Croatian Democratic Union, the Prime Minister and the Speaker of Parliament are responsible for not adopting amendments to the law on post-earthquake reconstruction, indicating that the opposition is breaking the quorum. Friday was not a political but a political one.

No amendments to the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Act were passed due to the presence of two people, Andrei Plenkovic and Jordan Jandrokovic, leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), to reporters during a visit to the eastern city of Pele Manastir, where he presented the party’s candidate for the mayor.

On Friday, the opposition broke the quorum before the vote in Parliament after the vote was canceled on the opposition Bridge party’s proposal to abolish the mandatory membership fee in the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK). Seventy-five deputies remained in Parliament, less than necessary for a quorum and a vote. The parliamentary majority led by the Croatian Democratic Union lacked a vote by MP Miroslav Toman who was hospitalized due to COVID-19 so he could not vote online either, which prevented the adoption of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Act, the declaration of an exclusive economy for the region in the Adriatic Sea and some other elements.

Today, Djerbin said that he personally requested an emergency parliamentary session on December 30th but “the HDP did not find it necessary,” after which amendments were introduced on January 4 to the law on post-earthquake reconstruction and were discussed on January 20.

“(The ruling majority) once again did not rush to put them to vote, but yesterday, without trying to consult with us on how to reach an agreement and adopt the law, they decided to postpone the vote,” Gerbin said, adding that the vote was postponed by Parliament Speaker Jordan Jandrokovic.

This is not politicization, this is politics

Gerbeen went on to say that the opposition only wanted to put all the proposals, including the opposing ones, to a vote, including the proposal to abolish the mandatory membership fees in the HGK as a form of direct aid to the business.

“The responsibility for adopting or not adopting a document rests not with the opposition, but with the Croatian Democratic Union, Andrej Plenkovic and Jordan Jandrokovic,” Gerben said, adding that the HDP’s hiding behind a sick man fighting for his life was disgusting.

“We are ready, if Jandrokovi calls us, to go to parliament, until today, and vote on what to vote, but then all items must be put to the vote, including those related to helping businessmen and citizens facing debt enforcement. They don’t have to adopt projects. Our own laws, but they should at least put to a vote. “

In response to a question from journalists whether this ignores earthquake victims and political engagement, Gerbin said that trying to help entrepreneurs by abolishing a quasi-tax tax and preventing the banning of citizens’ bank accounts during the pandemic was not a policy but rather a policy.

Sapu cannot activate his term as a member of the presidency of the Social Democratic Party

In response to a question about how his party would deal with the case of Zelko Sapo, a former mayor of Vukovar and a member of the Social Democratic Party who said he would revitalize his term as a member of the presidency of the Social Democratic Party, Gerben said, “Sabu cannot revitalize his state.”

Sapo’s announcement of the activation of his mandate as a member of the presidency of the Social Democratic Party came after the leadership of the Social Democratic Party decided to dissolve the party organization in Vukovar.

The leadership’s decision came based on a decision by the Vukovar branch to support Sabo as the Social Democratic Party mayor’s candidate in the local elections in May despite the leadership’s recommendation not to nominate him for the position because he was convicted of corruption for attempting to bribe a local councilor when he was mayor.

Aside from spending six months in prison, which allows rehabilitation under the law, Sapu also faces charges of abuse of position and powers for allegedly misappropriating money earmarked for summer vacation for Vukovar’s children.

“In line with an explicit provision of the SDP Basic Law, Mr. Sapu suspended his term until the criminal proceedings against him are over and as long as these procedures are in progress, he will not be able to activate his term of office,” Gerbin said.


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