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Ash covers Saint Vincent as the eruption of La Soufriere continues The Weather Channel – Articles from The Weather Channel

Ash covers Saint Vincent as the eruption of La Soufriere continues  The Weather Channel – Articles from The Weather Channel


Residents with respiratory problems have been advised to stay indoors, 2,000 people have been in shelters in Saint Vincent, and an Ashfall warning has also been issued for Barbados.

Ash rained down on the Caribbean island of Saint Vincent as the eruption of La Soufriere volcano continued on Saturday, leaving buildings, cars, trees and the air covered in a layer of soot.

120 miles to the east, the government of Barbados has issued a warning of “severe ash” on land and over water. The nation’s weather service has warned that ash can create conditions with low visibility, and can cause respiratory problems.

The satellite images showed the ash plume moving through the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, in St. Vincent, meanwhile, 76 shelters were housing about 2,000 evacuees, according to the Disaster Agency. Others left by boat.

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“The Vincentians are waking up to a very thick ash fall and a strong smell of sulfur that has now reached the capital,” the St Vincent and the Grenadines Disaster Management Agency wrote on Twitter early Saturday.

Ash can also clog car engines and cause other problems, according to the West Indies Earthquake Research Center. The center shared a list of tips for dealing with heavy ash, including wearing a mask, eye protection and wrapping electronics in plastic wrap. Those suffering from respiratory illnesses have been advised to stay indoors. The center also warned against wearing contact lenses, saying that the ash can erode the cornea.

“Volcanic ash is a huge nuisance and is ubiquitous in the home and office,” according to the cover. “Ash differs from regular household dust, in that its sharp crystalline composition causes surfaces to be scratched and scraped when removed with wiping or brushing.

Ashfall comes a day after at least two explosions rocked the island, sending a plume of ash more than 6 miles into the sky.

The volcanic activity continued throughout the night and into Saturday, with lightning appearing in the charged particles of the ash plume.

In an update at 8 p.m. Friday, the Research Center tweeted that a continuous tremor has been recorded for the past five hours.

The center said, “The volcano is still in an explosive state that may last for several days to weeks.”

Saint Vincent is an island in the eastern Caribbean Sea, about 500 miles southeast of Puerto Rico. It is part of an island nation that also includes the northern Grenadines and has a population of about 110,000 people, according to the World Bank. Most of them live in Saint Vincent, which is about 18 miles long and 11 miles wide.

Officials said about 16,000 people were in the evacuation zone.

The volcano began oozing lava in December 2020. This was the first activity at La Soufriere since an explosive eruption in 1979.

Before the last eruption, activity increased dramatically at the volcano on Thursday. A series of earthquakes have been detected at the site, indicating magma rising towards the surface, according to the West Indies Seismological Research Center. The gas and steam escaped from the volcano also increased, which is another harbinger of a volcanic eruption.

The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report breaking weather news, the environment, and the importance of science in our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of the parent company, IBM.

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