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The animated world map shows 120 years of earthquakes and tsunamis

The animated world map shows 120 years of earthquakes and tsunamis


Animated map screenshot showing 120 years of earthquakes and tsunamis.


The Youtube Channel of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center published an animated map showing every earthquake and tsunami recorded in sequence as it happened from January 1, 1901 to December 31, 2020, at a rate of one year per second.

Earthquake quake centers first appear as flashes and then remain as colored circles before shrinking over time so as not to obscure subsequent earthquakes. The size of each circle represents the size of the earthquake while the color represents its depth within the Earth. This animation also highlights the large tsunami waves generated by some of these earthquakes. When the next earthquakes appear they will also have a tsunami’s “energy map” that shows the maximum wave heights typical for each tsunami over the open ocean.

While the vast majority of earthquakes occur at plate boundaries, these earthquakes that cause tsunamis mostly occur at converging plate boundaries. These boundaries, also called “subduction zones”, are where the oceanic crust beneath the continents is pushed and pulled and triggered by massive earthquakes, and they are the areas where geologists expect devastating tsunamis in the future.

The era of modern seismology – the scientific study of earthquakes – began with the invention of the seismograph in the late nineteenth century and its spread in instrument networks in the early twentieth century to record and measure earthquakes as they occurred. Therefore, when the animation starts, only the largest earthquakes will appear. They were the only ones who could be detected at great distances using the few tools available at the time. But as time progressed, more and more seismographs were deployed and smaller and smaller earthquakes could be recorded. For example, the installation of these instruments in California in the 1930s created the illusion of new seismic activity there. Likewise, there appears to be a jump in the number of earthquakes globally in the 1970s when seismology took another leap forward with advances in telecommunications and digital signal processing, a trend that continues today.

Every year, the earth is shaken by about 1,000 strong earthquakes, defined as earthquakes of magnitude 5.5 or more. The 17 strongest earthquakes have occurred since 1900, and all earthquakes with a magnitude of at least 8.3 are all related to subduction zones.

The animation ends with a series of summary maps. The first shows all earthquakes in a 120-year period. The following map shows only those earthquakes that are known to have triggered tsunamis, and the map next shows only those earthquakes that have caused devastating tsunamis. The final map shows the plate boundary faults responsible for the majority of these earthquakes.

Last year, the US Geological Survey released a very detailed and updated map of earthquakes from 1900 to 2018. Seismic data from the US Geological Survey (USGS), the National Advanced Seismological System (ANSS) and the Common Catalog (ComCat) were used which, in turn, collects Information from multiple sources about earthquake sites, magnitudes, felt areas, and damage reports. The layout is available as a PDF larger as a poster, with one main map and two smaller maps.


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