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Everyone is watching the vote on changes to keep Putin in power


Putin is using public vote to make ordinary people his collaborators in extending his rule and sanctioning the rule of an ultra-conservative ideology. wrote Andrei Kolesnikov, an elderly friend and chairman of the Russian Internal Policy and Political Institutions Program at the Carnegie Moscow Center.

If turnout and votes in favor of changing the constitution are high enough, Putin will be able to use those figures as a license whenever the nation is unhappy, to say: Look, it wasn’t just my administration and me. , it was you who wanted this! Together we wanted to support this model of governance, and you share the responsibility for it with me, Kolesnikov added.

Putins’ plans almost collapsed from coronavirus pandemic; the vote was originally scheduled for April 22 but was later delayed as the country’s infections rose sharply. The economic downturn caused by falling oil prices has led to Putin’s popularity plunging into it.

Independent Levada Center surveyor reported as early as April and May, 59 percent of survey participants said they approved of the work Putin was doing as president still high for most world leaders, but never before in his 20-year reign had the number dropped below 60.

But even as some analysts have described it as the most challenging period of Putin’s presidency so far, Wednesday’s vote has not been suspended. Russian libraries began selling copies of the new constitution weeks ago.

Although the country still has cases of the most confirmed coronavirus in the world, almost all restrictions were lifted by June 24 a day before the start of the early voting period of the week. During those six days, national turnout reached 55 percent, the Central Election Commission said on Wednesday.

Voting stations had face masks, gloves and sanitary wipes in hand. Residents in Moscow and the Nizhny Novgorod region had the opportunity to vote online, and local election commissions said Tuesday that nearly 1.1 million people had done so.

The head of Russia’s Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, told state television last week that any case of double voting would be revealed in the final round.

Among the many business reports that push their employees to vote, a BBC Russia reporter was accidentally added to a conversation on the WhatsApp group of employees of the Metro union in Moscow who asked participants to vote, identify where they had planned to vote and then report again after they had actually done so.

But while the vote was widely advertised on billboards and with price incentives, those highlighting constitutional changes that promised social payments or defined marriage between a man and a woman. That a vote would help Putin consolidate power was rarely mentioned.

In his televised address to the Russians on Tuesday that was recorded in front of a World War II memorial and was Putin’s last word to citizens before the main voting day, he did not address what their approval of him personally meant.

We are voting for the country we want to live in: one with education and health care, with guaranteed social protection of citizens, with effective responsible authorities in front of the public, he said. We are voting for the place we work for and we want to hand it over to our children and grandchildren.

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