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Listen baseball fans and you will hear | News, Sports, Jobs

Listen baseball fans and you will hear |  News, Sports, Jobs


With respect, and apologies, to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and his epic poem on Paul Revere's journey, I'd like to borrow Longfellow's rhythm and put it into a series of rhyming lines to go with it, to describe a celebration which is pretty much a celebration for me, Cleveland Baseball's home opener.

On that day, which I think should be an annual holiday (which it really is for me), whether it's designated as such or not, with us both retired. Opening Day for Cleveland Baseball took place this past Monday, April 8th. After only so much winter I can stand, it was nice to be back at CLE to watch the summer game in our gear, wearing our winter coats, gloves and hoodies, too cold to try and eat something not to love taking the gloves off, and knowing we'll be literally sore later from so much vibration. There are two silver linings to this year's opening day, however, we were there for the solar eclipse and were reminded that summer weather will arrive soon, hopefully around early June, perhaps. [Actually, it wasn’t that bad this year, as we were invited by my brother-in-law and sister to join them in a suite at Progressive Field (Thanks Dick and Sandy), so that was two silver linings and a gold one too.]

Anyway, here's my rendition (and feel free to use it as your own) for Baseball's Opening Day, to the beat and rhythm of Mr. Longfellow's oft-read poem…

Listen to baseball fans and you'll hear the umpire's call and the crowd cheering.

because today is the day, all horse skin lovers wish, hibernation is over, time to come out of our cave.

The field is painted, the bases are white, for everyone present, it is a beautiful sight.

The unis look great against the green, sometimes the best thing I've ever seen.

The smell of hot dogs filling the air is always exciting, just to be there

Brings back memories of playing games long ago with my dad, uncle, cousins ​​and brother

It was always a twin bill, the enemy Yankees, Sunday morning, we would go to Cleveland

The scoreboard exploded for a home run by the home team, just looking around was oh so much fun

It could be Hat Day, or we'd get a ball, it was such a great time we all had

Those seeds planted by America's entertainment daddy remained in my heart, as well as in my mind

It has always been the sport closest to my heart and every year I look forward to when it starts

As cold as it is, not even in the snow, we leave very early because we can't wait to go

And go to the ball park and look around and feel the excitement from our heads to the ground

As game time nears its start, we begin to meander our way to our seats in the park

To see all the players lined up, and the first pitch to follow, it's almost that time

But the coaches have to meet the umps at the plate, just a few more moments we'll have to wait

to see all the starters find their special place and the scoreboard displays the face of the top scorer

And we wait for the referee to say, 'cause the game can't start until he yells 'Play'

And the game will begin, we'll cheer and cheer more, because it's the day we've been waiting for for months

Because I never get tired of watching baseball, whether it's spring, summer or fall

And the length of the game means nothing to me, I would stay here for ten hours if necessary

I love everything about the history of baseball, it's the best sport there is, in my opinion

And it's okay if you don't agree, it just might not be your cup of tea

But for many people who wear a baseball shirt, most of us think it's the best match with dirt.

So wear your hat, wear your team jersey with pride, I hope you all have a great baseball journey.

Welcome, baseball. We missed you. Thank you for the memories you have already given us and the ones we know you will continue to create for us. Please ask the baseball gods not to put a two hour limit on the game, or make rules like two hits and you're out, or four errors and you're out, or you're out if a defensive play throws the ball at you and you hits, or three balls and you walk, or anything else they might want to experiment with in the minors for a year, then bring it to the Big Show.

“If it ain't broke, don't fix it.” And don't break something that works and then try to fix it afterwards. Leave him alone!

Slide over! Enjoy the season, everyone!! “Play!”

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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