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The Iranian regime was an isolated witness to the brutal torture of the champion wrestler


The Islamic Republic of Iran is holding a witness to the brutal torture of the executed wrestler Navid Afkari, according to a news release. report.

The NGO Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) reported on its website Tuesday that Shahin Naseri, who witnessed the shocking torture of Afakri, was transferred from prison more than two weeks ago and is being held in insulation.

Naseri’s lawyer Babak Paknia told the Iran Human Rights Center on September 27 that since he was transferred to the police security unit in Shiraz, Fars Province, Naseri was allowed to make only a brief phone call to his father-in-law. his. He did not disclose where he was being held.

“The Revolutionary Court in Shiraz says he is in prison, but when I presented an authorization [for Naseri to sign], prison authorities write on him that he was not there and he was handed over to the police security unit on September 11 [2020]Tha Paknia.

Paknia went on to say that “Mr. Nasser was making time for deception and had not committed any new crime. Therefore, there was no reason for him to move from a public neighborhood to the security unit. I think it certainly has to do with the Navid Afkari case. There can be no other reason. “

“Nasser has no other court case… based on personal experience it is very clear that they do not take someone to the police security center for no reason,” Paknia told the human rights organization.

Iranian regime authorities arrested 27-year-old Afkar for peaceful protest against the regime’s corruption in 2018 and claimed he killed a security guard who was assigned to identify the demonstrators. Human rights organizations and Western governments say the regime imposed methods of torture on the Greco-Roman champion opportunity to secure a forced confession. Afkari said before his execution that he was tortured to admit a crime he did not commit.

As a global campaign escalated to save Afkar’s life, the regime hastily executed Afkar on 12 September. Iranian analysts believe growing pressure on the regime could have halted the execution. As a result, they argue, the Iranian regime quickly killed Afkar without a proper process.

According to the Center for Human Rights in Iran, “in October 2019, Naseri filed a signed statement in court in which he said when he was brought to the Shiraz police station in late September 2018 (shortly after Afkari’s arrest), he saw Afkari being severely beaten by two men dressed in plain clothes with a metal rod and a stick, cursing him and telling him to confess their version of the murder of a security guard in August 2018. ”

Paknia said “the way Naser has been treated is completely illegal”.

According to an audio, Nasser said the Office of the Medical Examiner investigated the marks on Afkari’s body and confirmed that he had been tortured, the human rights organization wrote.

“The police said there was no need for me to appear in court to testify [about Afkari being tortured]”The judge will investigate if he deems it necessary,” Naseri said.

He added: “The man standing above Navid said, ‘Whatever I say is the truth.’ I do not know his name, but he had colored eyes with a bright red face and long hair that looked like implants.Navid had his hands on his head.The man hit Navid’s arm four times and cursed him and said : ‘What I say is what happened.’ “

Nasser said: “Navid was lying on the floor with his hands on his head begging them to stop beating him. When they put me in the station, I saw that Navid’s arm was crushed and inflamed. Navid was saying ‘Sergeant Abbas broke my arm.’

“I was at the police station for about two months and I saw Navid who had pain and discomfort from a broken arm. I saw his hand hitting with my own eyes. “

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