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More than half of Essex has the first Covid-19 vaccine dose


More than one million people in Essex receive the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, which is more than half the county’s population.

The latest data show that the number of new cases of Covid has increased in the last 7 days. However, the numbers have dropped significantly from their peaks in December and January.

Overall, Essex is most affected by Covid between the ages of 20 and 49, followed by those between the ages of 50 and 69.

Essex County Councilor John Spence

Essex County Councilor John Spence
-Credit: PAUL STARR Photographer

Cllr John Spence, Health Minister of the Essex Council, said:

“This is also a testament to the efforts of NHS partners, thousands of volunteers, and the readiness of the public.

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“But I won’t rest until all qualified residents have a second jab and their normal condition recovers in the long run.”

Anthony McKeever, Executive Lead of Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership and Co-Accountable Officer of the Five CCGs, said:

“Currently, all adults are vaccinated, and adults over the age of 40 can proceed with a second vaccination in 8 weeks instead of 12 weeks, which protects the population and has the impact of Covid. It’s the last impetus to reduce. “

Latest available data Essex shows that people between the ages of 20 and 49 are most affected by Covid.

At its peak in December 2020, there were 9,150 infections between the ages of 20 and 49. According to the June 17 data released on June 22, there were 317 new cases, an increase of 42% from 223 in the previous week.

The age group of 50-69 years was the second affected in December with 4,592 cases of Covid-19. By June 17, these numbers had decreased to 68 new cases. However, this number was an increase of 61.9 percent compared to the previous week when there were 42 cases.

Data from Public Health England show that the number of new Covid cases in Uttlesford on June 22 increased by 43.5% compared to the previous week. The number of Uttlesford infections was 36.14 per 100,000, up from 25.19 per 100,000.

At its peak, it was 780.94 per 100,000. The current figures represent a 95.4 percent decline.

In Braintree, Covid infections increased by 53.6% compared to the previous week. The number of cases per 100,000 people on June 22 was 28.18, which was 18.35 the previous week. At its peak, there were 1,074.05 cases on Braintree. This represents a 97.4 percent drop from the latest figures.

On June 20, Covid-19 had 20 Essex beds, an increase from 9 patients last week, but a decrease from the peak of 1,441 in January.

First Covid vaccination data show In the care home and social care settings, 95% of residents performed one jab, 82% of care home staff and 75% of social care staff received the first vaccination.

At Essex, over 95% of people over the age of 70 and over 90% of people over the age of 55 are initially vaccinated.

In the 50-54 age group, 89% receive the first dose and 84% are 45-49 years.

The intake rate is 79% for those aged 40-44 and 70% for those aged 39-39.

So far, 62% of people aged 30-34 have the first jab, and one in two (47%) came out before the age of 25-29.

According to data up to June 20, 8% of people under the age of 25 have ever been vaccinated for the first time.

Published data does not include South End and Sarlock.

Eleven vaccination centers and Essex hospitals, general practitioners, and several regional pharmacies are involved.

Book online Via nationwide reservation serviceCall 119 or at some general practitioner’s clinics.

The Essex County Council is a rapidly growing variant of Delta, so everyone should wear Covid-19 safeguards (hand wash, face cover if possible, and maintain social distance as much as possible. ) Is important to follow. The predominant Covid-19 variant throughout the UK.

Self-test kit Available for people without Covid-19 symptoms. Collection points include the Saffron Walden, Taxted, and Danmou libraries.




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