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Gentle yoga may result in migraine relief


As a result, yoga can be activated in a low-impact way, she said.

In addition to exercise, yoga has other ways of practicing “mindfulness” such as breathing, relaxation and meditation.

And studies generally show that mindfulness practices can support the parasympathetic nervous system, said Dr Cynthia Armand, a neurologist at the Montefiore Headache Center in New York City.

Armand, who was not involved in the study, explained that it was the “rest and digestion” arm of the nervous system. It brakes the sympathetic nervous system-it governs “fight or flight” and the associated surge of stress hormones.

For the study, Bhatia’s team recruited 160 adult Indian patients with idiopathic migraine. Most were taking prophylactic drugs, mainly certain blood pressure and antidepressant drugs.

The researchers randomly assigned half to add yoga to their usual medications. Lifestyle advice was given to all patients.

After three months, people in the yoga group had 48% fewer migraine episodes, averaging nine locations a month to just under five months. In the comparison group, there was little change from a monthly average of less than eight migraines to seven shy.

Armand and Kolman called the results promising.

“I think this encourages people to consider adding yoga to their standard of care,” Kolman said.

The important point, according to Armand, is that it seems safe. None of the study participants complained of headaches or nausea while practicing yoga.

However, keep in mind that there are many different styles of yoga. The practice of this study consisted of more gentle poses and plenty of breathing work and relaxation. It’s not the fast-paced and intense style that many real-world classes offer.

Kolman advised people with migraine headaches to avoid “hot yoga” practiced in heated rooms, as dehydration is the main trigger for headaches.

Armand agreed, saying that it is generally wise to know in advance what kind of yoga you are doing.

“You want to make sure you’re in the right place and the right instructions,” she said.


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