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“Many Cancellations”: GP in Western Sydney says patients are “confused” and “irritated” by Covid vaccine advice | Vaccines and immunization


Doctors in western Sydney say patients are “confused” and “irritated” by conflicting advice from the state and federal governments. AstraZeneca vaccine.

They also say authorities need to take a more unified position on vaccines, improve the speed of deployment, and provide health advice in different languages ​​in order to better combat vaccine hesitation in the region.

Dr. Hanibiter of Glendenning’s Richmond Road Family Practice said that members of the Guardian Australia’s local community were confused. AstraZeneca vaccine.

“There is no doubt that the minority groups are very confused and very opposed to AstraZeneca. At least in my practice, most of them don’t understand it. They are looking forward to it. Pfizer.. “

He said his patients were most concerned about reports that the AstraZeneca vaccine caused blood clots in a small number of cases, and their fears were exacerbated by media reports.

“The example of coagulation is higher with a variety of non-vaccine issues, but the question is always” what if I’m 1 in 100,000? ” What if it was me? “

“Usually when there is another case of coagulation on the front page, you know you have a lot of cancellations the next morning. And that happened many times.”

Bitter said Disagreement between state and federal governments on whether people under the age of 40 should be vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine The demand for Pfizer vaccine was increasing.

“I talk to community leaders, they all want Pfizer. Today I talked to three priests. They are all over 60 and want Pfizer. ..

“So if a priest or Imam tells his congregation that Pfizer is better, they will all believe in him, not the government.

“I think the authorities should talk to each other and come as a unified front and forget about labor and liberalism, because they caused this turmoil.”

Sydney vaccination
The GP reports that more vaccine was taken during the blockade of Greater Sydney. Photo: Lisa Marie Williams / Getty Images

This was co-chaired by the Australian Immunotechnology Advisory Group (Atagi) last week, and the AstraZeneca vaccine should be considered under the age of 40 only in rare circumstances, and Dr. Janet Young, Queensland’s Chief Health Officer. After claiming to be under 40 years old. In her condition, you should not get AstraZeneca.

These statements are Prime Minister Scott Morrison suggested that people under the age of 40 could start approaching the GP to get AstraZeneca...

Dr Fariha Dib of Lakemba Family HealthCare said that much of the hesitation from community members was due to the way medical advice was delivered.

“Confidence in vaccines and deployments is certainly low, but I think it has to do with how the media communicates information and how politicians communicate it,” Dive said.

“I think there are misrepresentations regarding the risks and magnitudes of risk associated with the Covid vaccine.

“But if you provide the right education to the community and explain the risks and benefits, many will be willing to think about it and vaccinate on the spot.”

Immediately after conflicting medical advice, Dive said many of her patients also canceled vaccination appointments.

“Everyone is confused. Even some healthcare professionals are confused. The situation is very dynamic as the information changes.”

“We should have vaccinated more people by now. If they didn’t take a little political approach to it and tried to spread the vaccine through the GP, we would be better. I think I’m in a position. “

She also said that communities with a non-English-speaking background were “significantly behind” vaccination in other communities.

“I think the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities are far behind when it comes to vaccination, partly because of the lack of education in these communities and the language barrier. I am. “

Dr. Michael Burke, a Blacktown-based general practitioner, told Guardian Australia that while there were still many questions about the AstraZeneca vaccine, vaccine intake increased during the blockade of Greater Sydney.

“In the last two weeks, vaccination concerns and urgency have increased significantly, and people have come forward to look for what is available.”

Despite the conflicting advice, Burke said much of the community came forward seeking advice on what was best for them.

“People didn’t want to wait to realize that they really needed to do something, they fell into a situation where it wasn’t clear what to do, but they just waited. I am actively seeking advice. “

Like Bitter and Dive, Burke said media attention to the side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine would be less likely to move forward for advice.

“But I think it’s rocking again, and now people recognize the importance of getting vaccinated and that the benefits far outweigh the risks.”




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