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July 9 COVID-19 Update: 1 death, 1,273,245 vaccines, 36 new cases, 57 recovery


Reported vaccine

An additional 12,678 COVID-19 vaccines were given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines given in the state to 1,273,245. Currently, more than 500,000 Saskatchewan residents are fully vaccinated.

An additional 12,678 COVID-19 vaccines reported today were given to residents living in the following zones: Far North Central, 38; Far Northeast, 189; Northwest, 1,121; North Central, 836; Northeast, 239; Saskatoon, 3,756; Central West, 421; Central East, 930; Regina, 3,038; Southwest, 416; South Central , 437; and Southeast, 753. 396 doses were given with the area of ​​residence on hold.

72% over 12 years old are first vaccinated and 53% over 12 years old are fully vaccinated.

Status of population vaccination as of July 8, 2021



First dose


80 years old and over


47,660 (93%)

44,660 (87%)

70-79 years old


73,941 (90%)

68,523 (83%)

60-69 years old


120,669 (86%)

107,213 (76%)

50-59 years old


112,325 (79%)

91,402 (64%)

40-49 years old


107,606 (71%)

76,583 (51%)

30-39 years old


112,819 (63%)

70,645 (40%)

18-29 years old


108,573 (60%)

57,675 (32%)

12-17 years old


53,675 (59%)

19,161 (21%)

Renewal of target population

The Saskatchewan Health Insurance Report is the number of people covered by Saskatchewan Health Insurance benefits as of June 30, and the population used by the Ministry of Health to report COVID-19 cases and vaccination rates. This is the data. Covered population data is updated annually and will be included in the COVID-19 report today for state-level COVID-19 vaccination rates for populations aged 12 and over and age groups. Note that other reports will continue to utilize the 2020 target population on state dashboards until the new dataset is fully incorporated into the full update for the week of July 11th. ..Details of all vaccinations in the state (including 1st and 2nd) doses can be found at

All residents aged 12 years and older who are eligible for the first and second immunization of COVID-19

All Saskatchewan residents over the age of 12 who received the first vaccination are eligible for a second vaccination every 28 days.

Vaccination appointments can be booked online from the Saskatchewan Department of Health, whether you request a first or second vaccination. Or call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829). Addresses and opening hours for drive-through clinics and walk-in clinics are available at the following URL:

A map of participating pharmacies throughout the state is available at the following URL: This online tool contains a link to the pharmacy booking website, which provides details on the vaccine brands offered at each location.

Daily COVID-19 statistics

There are 36 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Saskatchewan on 9 July, bringing the state to a total of 49,198 cases.

The new case is in the next zone. Far Northeast, 4; Northwest, 3; North Central, 5; Northeast, 2; Saskatoon, 4; Regina, 5; Southwest, 4; and Southeast, 4. One case holds residence information. 15 cases have been reassigned to the following zones: North Central, 4. Ten cases of Saskatchewan residents tested outside the state have been added to the following zones: Far Northeast, 1; Northwest, 5; Saskatoon, 1; Central East, 1; and South Central, 1.

Today, one new death was reported in the northwestern age group of 80 years and older.

A total of 48,224 and 403 collections are considered active.

There are 61 people in the hospital. 51 people are receiving inpatient care: Northwest, 6; North Central, 6; Saskatoon, 20; Central West, 1; Central East, 1; Regina, 14; South Central, 1; and Southeast, 2.10. A person is in the intensive care unit. Two people in the north central part. Saskatoon, 4; and Regina, 4.

The 7-day average of new COVID-19 cases is 45 (3.7 per 100,000). A graph comparing today’s average with the data collected over the last few months is available at the following URL:

There were 2,544 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on July 8, 2021.

To date, 932,412 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan. As of July 7, 2021, when figures for other states and countries were available, the per capita rate for Saskatchewan was 784,733 tests per million people. The national tax rate was 979,207.

In response to the Hatchet Lake outbreak, rapid testing has been done to help identify case contacts. Data entry into the state system for these results is delayed while staff are working on immediate outbreak response. Input of case data is expected to continue throughout the weekend.

Although Lake Hatchet is under the jurisdiction of the Northern Tribal Health Agency, SHA has contacted local health teams to provide assistance in responding to the outbreak. Voluntary mass testing is currently underway as part of active case discovery, vaccinations are provided on door-to-door visits, and local public health authorities and local leaders are responsible for risks, precautions, and vaccinations. We are actively working to convey the importance of. The Saskatchewan Public Security Intelligence Agency is also involved and is coordinating with the federal government on the possibility of securing more resources.

Today, there were 80 strain results reported for the mutant strain of concern. Of the 7,667 VOCs with strains identified by Saskatchewan whole genome sequencing, 6,911 is alpha (B.1.1.7), 398 is gamma (P.1), and 348 is delta (B.1.617.2). , 10 is beta (B .1.351).

Variants of concern that have been identified may appear in both columns of the website, depending on the testing of that case. Adding cases identified by screening and cases that have undergone whole-genome sequencing can result in double counting of individual cases.

State regarding total number of cases of health care workers, source of infection, age, gender, breakdown of total cases by region, total tests to date, per capita test rates, and current number of mutant strains of concern identified The COVID-19 statistics for are as follows:Found in

Limit the transmission of variants of concern in the community-vaccinated

The number of confirmed cases of delta variants has increased significantly in the last two weeks. The delta variant is expected to be 1.5 times more contagious and 2 times more toxic than the alpha variant.

Two doses of COVID-19 vaccine are required for optimal protection against delta mutants. Residents are strongly advised to take the first and second doses as soon as possible.

Taking the test also helps to monitor active cases and mutants of concern in the state. Even if you have mild symptoms, stay home and have a COVID-19 test. The COVID-19 test is available to all residents. Referrals to the COVID-19 test can be obtained through HealthLine 811 or your health care provider. Drive-through test sites are available 7 days a week without referrals in Regina, Saskatoon, Yorkton and Prince Albert. Information on symptoms to watch out for and how to get tested is available at the following URL:

Saskatchewan Reopening Roadmap-All Public Health Measures to Be Lifted on 11 July

Complete implementation of Step 3 of the Resumption Roadmap will take place on Sunday, July 11, as more than 70% of residents over the age of 12 received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

That is, as of Sunday, July 11, all public health orders will be removed. This includes removing mandatory masking orders across the state and removing event and collection size limits.

For guidance on living with COVID-19, such as expectations about masking, information for companies and workplaces, acute care after July 11, nursing care facilities, visit requirements for personal care facilities, etc., please visit the following URL Please give me.

General COVID-19 information

For inquiries from the general public [email protected]..




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