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Relaxed restrictions “can be reduced to 4 weeks” between Covid vaccines


The government is reportedly aiming to reduce the vaccine dose gap from eight weeks to four weeks.

The threat from delta variants with deregulation hopes to accelerate vaccine deployment.

This is because the latest figures from UK Public Health Services show a one-third increase in predominant delta mutant cases last week.

A total of 216,249 possible confirmed cases of that variant were first identified in India and currently account for approximately 99% of the confirmed cases. Coronavirus All over the UK.

According to PHE figures, the vast majority of people admitted to UK hospitals with Delta Variant are not vaccinated.

Young people are encouraged to be vaccinated after falling demand
Young people are encouraged to be vaccinated after falling demand
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

The Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization reports that it was asked to approve a faster time scale for jabs. The Sunday Times..

No 10 sources told the newspaper that the Commission was asked to provide urgent advice on the pros and cons of reducing the gap between doses to four weeks.

Given the go-ahead, it will also allow more people to travel abroad this summer and avoid quarantine-it will be possible for both doses of people.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson We plan to confirm on Monday that the final relaxation of coronavirus restrictions will take place in the United Kingdom on July 19.

The government has announced that it will provide the first dose to all adults in the UK by July 19.

It is estimated that about 86% of adults in the UK received a single dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and about 65% received both vaccines.

Vaccination doses vary by age group, and it is estimated that more than 95% of people between the ages of 50 and 79 received a single dose.

In the younger group, 88% aged 40-49 may have received a single dose, along with 78% aged 30-39 and 60% aged 18-29.

Chris Hopson, Chief Executive Officer of the NHS Provider, said: Relatively soon, it is accompanied by much more serious long-term symptoms.

“Trust leaders are worried that it would be a mistake to look back six to nine months and say that it would be a mistake to relax the restrictions quickly and completely. Wait a few weeks longer and more young people Because they double. They have been vaccinated. “

Health officials have instructed the Vaccine Center to follow the guidance that a second dose should not be taken within 8 weeks of the first jab, and PHE said, “There is evidence that longer dosing intervals improve the immune response and protection. There is. “

The government is calling for more young men, especially to get vaccinated.

Demand for vaccines is generally declining, with nearly half of men between the ages of 18 and 24 not receiving the vaccine three weeks after it becomes available.

A promotional campaign is planned to encourage potential young people, including the England team and influencers.

There is concern that young men in particular are not taking advantage of vaccination opportunities.
There is concern that young men in particular are not taking advantage of vaccination opportunities.
(Image: Getty Images)

Fans participating in England’s Euro 2020 final against Italy were encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain Covid Jab at the Wembley Vaccination Center.

According to the UK Public Health Service, the concern is that young men are also the most infected group of 41,462 people who tested positive in the last two weeks.

There is concern that as the number of infections continues to increase, the number of long Covid cases can become very high.





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